The focus was just different, ya know? I can’t see Disney co-signing a game with the same focus on such brutal combat.
Wait was star killer story really Canon for a bit? Or am I tripping
Simpson’s got n run 2
Next mainline silent hill
Kirby air ride 2
Paper mario (return to rpg)
Bully 2
Spongebob bfbm 2
Bully 2
I know there's been a bunch of rumors and leaks about the game but I doubt this ever comes out. Especially when Rockstar knows they can just release a GTA or RDR every 4-5 years and make billions. I doubt a Bully 2 would rake in even close to the same amount of money.
I heard they made a playable beta but the game was eventually scrapped a couple months ago but with Rockstar who knows.
I want this more than any other sequel from them, please Rockstar
Wait was star killer story really Canon for a bit? Or am I tripping
Yeah it was canon up until the Disney purchase
Yeah it was canon up until the Disney purchase
Lmao just like the clown wars series ... Which had some major turns in Anakin's ease into the dark side
Prince of persia reboot
Virtua Fighter
Dragons Dogma
VF takes it by a mile tho. Damn shame it’s gone dawg
the movies by lionhead reboot (really really hurts on a personal level that the studio is shut down )
left 4 dead 3
portal 3
star wars battlefront 3
conker new game (w/ live and reloaded style multiplayer)
i’d say sonic adventure 3 but i just don’t believe it can compare to my love for sa2 as a kid
L.A Noire 2 (Not 40s though, would love NY in the 70s)
Silent Hill (we were so close )
Portal 3 (come on Valve, Please)
Twisted Metal (as a launch title for PS5, it has every opportunity to be great)
Mario odyssey 2 which would be so ridiculous if it doesnt happen.
Witcher 4 (ik witcher 3 gave geralt a great ending. But I love the games)
Conkers bad fur day sequel.
Mario odyssey 2 is the only one that might happen
Whats stopping sega from making Sonic Adventure 3 anyway
besides Sonic Mania Sonic has been getting s*** reception for years they're the one company that should absolutely be shamelessly cashing in on nostalgia