This ain’t it my guy
Overrated af my boy although I did enjoy 1 and peace walker
2K has one of the clunkiest animation schemes in a sports game ever. If EA got their s*** together and made Live w/ FIFA style shooting animations they'd do numbers
Fallout: New Vegas is the best game in the series
Was watching my roommate play yesterday and we agreed it’s by far the most fun out of them all. They killed that game so much. It’s easily the best written one imo and the characters are f***ing fire
Movie games trash
This isn’t a hot take at all bro what
Gen 4 Pokémon (DPP/HGSS) was the peak of a Pokémon and it’ll never get better than that.
Gen 5 in hindsight top 3 gens from an all around perspective and actually tried to push the series forward.
This generation of consoles was ass and the Xbox has literally never been a console worth buying from an objective standpoint because it’s first party games are so much worse
Wait until Sony fans come in here
Why would that matter? I don’t think I can think of any movie game that was actually done extremely well (I’m sure there is but like compared to the vast majority, they’re trash.)
witcher 3 is one of the best rpg of all time
yall tripping ball
Fallen order (ok game)
every 2k game ( not buying any of this garbage game until it on 70%+ sale)
Persona 5 Royal; (should have just but the standard version spend 99$ on this s*** and the extracontent is not worth it)
Horrizon zero dawn is ass
Was watching my roommate play yesterday and we agreed it’s by far the most fun out of them all. They killed that game so much. It’s easily the best written one imo and the characters are f***ing fire
Everything about it. The time it’s set, the music, the atmosphere.
Killing people with the anti material rifle to Johnny guitar brings tears to my eyes. What a f***ing game
PS4 exclusive is the best line up in gaming console history
Max Payne is rockstar’s best series.
If they remastered 3 for next gen they’d make bank
Why would that matter? I don’t think I can think of any movie game that was actually done extremely well (I’m sure there is but like compared to the vast majority, they’re trash.)
I'm saying they would come here and deny it vehemently. Movie games are so bad to the point they don't even look fun to play.