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  • Feb 25
    1 reply

    ktt gonna pass op daughter around once she hits 18

  • ghosting ®️
    Feb 25

    cj stroud isnt with amber rose

  • plants 🌻
    Feb 25
    lil ufo

    I thought it meant like some sort of productivity gaps

    thought it was gonna be about gaps in teeth lmao

  • Feb 25

    thought this would be about tooth or thigh gaps

  • Feb 25

    @op makes weird threads

  • pepsi phil


  • let op cook

  • ferris

    deadass thought you meant a résumé

    Implying OP has a job

  • Feb 25
    1 reply

    I don't condone this at all, but from a guys perspective this is basically like going back and buying all the sneakers you always wanted as a kid. But in this case, these young boys are smashing all models they grew up having crushes on.


    I don't condone this at all, but from a guys perspective this is basically like going back and buying all the sneakers you always wanted as a kid. But in this case, these young boys are smashing all models they grew up having crushes on.

    Wild a***ogy tbh lmao

  • Feb 26

    36 year old guy dating a 52 year old woman here, it’s great

  • you’re empty skulled.

  • if you can’t fw ppl ur own age ur a weirdo. don’t try to twist it any other way.

  • Niggamortis 👨‍🚀
    Feb 26

    self report thread

  • Choking

    ktt gonna pass op daughter around once she hits 18


  • Fine older women

  • pepsi phil

  • OP trying to get ahead of the news

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