Kanye’s pants fit are so good
where can i get those? is it d***ies?
what era ye we talking? Before it seems like he used to buy slim fitting pants and got them tailored properly but i dont really follow dude fashion wise like that anymore
what era ye we talking? Before it seems like he used to buy slim fitting pants and got them tailored properly but i dont really follow dude fashion wise like that anymore
this era. early this year when it was like sunday service week 2 or 3.
Does anyone know what hoodie Kanye is wearing in this?
this era. early this year when it was like sunday service week 2 or 3.
he's been wearing a lot of d***ies and carhartt the past year, i'd need a pic to take a guess though
he's been wearing a lot of d***ies and carhartt the past year, i'd need a pic to take a guess though
thanks but is it 873 or 874?
they look slimmer so maybe 873, but honestly i couldn't tell you sorry
they look slimmer so maybe 873, but honestly i couldn't tell you sorry
nah its okay thanks for the answer
Where 2 find cool/nice tote bag like u see in the wdywt
-preferably blank/ no writing or graphic on it
Where 2 find cool/nice tote bag like u see in the wdywt
-preferably blank/ no writing or graphic on it
my weirdo tote came in 2 days ago and I’m loving it
Where 2 find cool/nice tote bag like u see in the wdywt
-preferably blank/ no writing or graphic on it
los angeles apparel has blank denim tote bags. i don't have one but i have a hoodie from them and their stuff is good quality
random af but anyone know what those cargo pants are Travis is always wearing with the two pockets on the front.
Where 2 find cool/nice tote bag like u see in the wdywt
-preferably blank/ no writing or graphic on it
I’ve had my tote bag since 2005 and this s*** could still pass for vnds condition
random af but anyone know what those cargo pants are Travis is always wearing with the two pockets on the front.