Yeah. I do kinda enjoy S***Education though. That's the only highschool show I enjoy on Netflix.
yeah this show is pretty bad
13 Reasons Why corn with Euphoria edginess
first miss for HBO in a while
i like the show but man chester's infatuation w/ his guidance counselor is such an odd plot point, I was kinda hoping they didn't go with that
that being said though justice smith is killing it in this role
Pretty good series. Gives an insight to breaking Gen Z social norms, and I respect that honestly.
i forgot there's two parts to this, the finale for part 1 comes out next week, then a whole nother 8 episodes will come out later this year was boutta say this is kinda going by fast
this s*** worth checking out? All I’m seeing in this thread is “mid” and “too many gay s***scenes”