Democrats dont f*** this up.
In any other situation I’d have no faith in Democrats but Republicans been going out SAD so let’s f***ing hope dems pull through
It would be funny if Trump told people to vote for the dems so he could get the 2k through lol
he's crazy but not this crazy lol
Over/Under on democrats winning and then talking down the 2k back to 1.2k
Too early for this kinda talk
looks almost certain the dems have it
It’s gonna be really close and probably within the margin to trigger another recount
It’s gonna be really close and probably within the margin to trigger another recount
yeah might be within the margin but I don’t think a recount is going to overturn anything anyway,
It’ll just be really annoying cause republicans are gonna get on their soapboxes about the “rigged” system.
How I qualify for the check?
Live in a country that actually cares about your well being