Bro if your girl leaving skid marks on your porcelain bowl, just subtly remind her, "The toilet brush is right below the sink" or whatever. She'll get the hint
If it’s inside the toilet bowl idk if there’s that much to talk about tbh
S*** happens lol
Ok here is what you do @op
You invite a homie when she is there too
Then after he went to the bathroom a bit later you go and put him on blast for it
He might be confused now but thats fine because the point is that she might realize that it was her or it couldve been here
The good thing is nobody has to actually take a dumb you can just pretend like there were s***marks and she still might think "well if he says he wasnt s***ting what if it was me"
Problem solved youre welcome
Ok here is what you do @op
You invite a homie when she is there too
Then after he went to the bathroom a bit later you go and put him on blast for it
He might be confused now but thats fine because the point is that she might realize that it was her or it couldve been here
The good thing is nobody has to actually take a dumb you can just pretend like there were s***marks and she still might think "well if he says he wasnt s***ting what if it was me"
Problem solved youre welcome
this expert level
wait for there to be s*** marks from the next time she does it
invite your homie over
put him on blast over it like "this s*** nasty bruh"
Man the solution to like 80% of these threads is communication. If y’all can spaz on others for having different music opinions, then you’re more than capable of talking s*** out irl like adults lol. Talk to her and tell her your issue and invest in a toilet brush.
Talking "shit" out huh
i was wondering how long it would take
Man the solution to like 80% of these threads is communication. If y’all can spaz on others for having different music opinions, then you’re more than capable of talking s*** out irl like adults lol. Talk to her and tell her your issue and invest in a toilet brush.
No S-Bombs allowed.
34 likes yall should be ashamed.
No @op in all seriousness, sticky stools are usually a sign of a bad diet what is shawty eating?
nigga scared to talk to his own gf about this
it’s not that deep
Id never do this, but if i got confronted about something like this Id be mortified frfr
So i can see why op feels awkward