I don’t even know if I could get hard if I had a girl living with me leaving “insane” s*** marks.
My sister friend forgot to flush after she pooped and I brought it up and she started crying lol
Women are just different bro
How you got time to cry but don’t got time to flush
Ok here is what you do @op
You invite a homie when she is there too
Then after he went to the bathroom a bit later you go and put him on blast for it
He might be confused now but thats fine because the point is that she might realize that it was her or it couldve been here
The good thing is nobody has to actually take a dumb you can just pretend like there were s***marks and she still might think "well if he says he wasnt s***ting what if it was me"
Problem solved youre welcome
This is even worse because she’s gonna instantly know that you created this whole stage play to tell her to stop leaving s*** marks in the toilet lmao and so however you say it to your homie and however far it escalates she gonna soak it as directed to her
Title makes it seem like it’s on seat and not in bowl
Lmao tell her to flush immediately and stop texting and looking at Tik toks
You could say it in a joking way like “damn you don’t wanna forget your work or something? Flush that s***” idk say it jokingly but handle that g that’s Doo Doo
I kiterally dont see the issue lol that what cleaning the bathroom is for
Just take turns cleaning the toilet/bathroom
Besides that shes using the toilet for its for & the toilet is doing its job i dont get it
I kiterally dont see the issue lol that what cleaning the bathroom is for
Just take turns cleaning the toilet/bathroom
Besides that shes using the toilet for its for & the toilet is doing its job i dont get it
you shouldnt have to lift the seat and go "damn thats INSANE"
I know a guy who asked a girl he lived with if she could flush because the bowl was legit covered in period blood and she started chewing him out for being a misogynist for taking issue with it
Like this sounds like a made-up MRA story but it legit happened, no matter the source, no matter the reason, just leave the bowl how you'd like to find it man, there's really no excuse
This is even worse because she’s gonna instantly know that you created this whole stage play to tell her to stop leaving s*** marks in the toilet lmao and so however you say it to your homie and however far it escalates she gonna soak it as directed to her
Dead ass 😂😂😂 wtf bro talking bout
I kiterally dont see the issue lol that what cleaning the bathroom is for
Just take turns cleaning the toilet/bathroom
Besides that shes using the toilet for its for & the toilet is doing its job i dont get it
Op and a lot of people itt being pussies about this. If it’s inside the toilet there’s no issue
cant imagine not being close enough to bring this up
Also this unironically
I kiterally dont see the issue lol that what cleaning the bathroom is for
Just take turns cleaning the toilet/bathroom
Besides that shes using the toilet for its for & the toilet is doing its job i dont get it
U being cool wit being a volunteer janitor for a grown up is crazy
Just tell her straight up yooo u leaving streaks on the toilet and it’s f***ing up my appetite
But also make sure u not leaving anything nasty around either cause depending on the type of person she is, she’ll be embarrassed and point the finger back at u and now y’all r locked in something toxic
Man the solution to like 80% of these threads is communication. If y’all can spaz on others for having different music opinions, then you’re more than capable of talking s*** out irl like adults lol. Talk to her and tell her your issue and invest in a toilet brush.
Nah bro you forgetting they be on here acting out. Quick to talk s*** when you let ‘em know Tyler is mid, but in real life they awkward and lack social skills