Listened to it 3 times this is an amazing project definitely in my top 10 of 2022
Rayman Legends and Face/Off are my 2 favorites
I Personally Wouldnt Revive Queen Elizabeth (Pack Watch)
! did the cover art !
i did the cover art !
Congrats my guy I saw his Tweet earlier , you did good
I Personally Wouldnt Revive Queen Elizabeth (Pack Watch)
Listening rn it's pretty good.
He sounds a lot like Lupe over JPEG beats
This is a pretty apt description. If I had to boil dude down.
This dude being from Philly and semi political it reminds me of this other mysterious artist I found from Philly, Spook. He is like Mach-Hommy adjacent, lyrical, semi political as well. Raps over crazy sample beats by Sadhugold. These dudes should link.
This is a pretty apt description. If I had to boil dude down.
This dude being from Philly and semi political it reminds me of this other mysterious artist I found from Philly, Spook. He is like Mach-Hommy adjacent, lyrical, semi political as well. Raps over crazy sample beats by Sadhugold. These dudes should link.
if you like Super Slave check out Prison Riot off his last project
if you like Super Slave check out Prison Riot off his last project
The beat tape? Or the one before Super Slave?
The beat tape? Or the one before Super Slave?
black bolshevik the one before it, whole thing is great but that song is a precursor to what he was gonna do on Super Slave
black bolshevik the one before it, whole thing is great but that song is a precursor to what he was gonna do on Super Slave
Word I am going to grab it tomorrow. Thanks
This is a pretty apt description. If I had to boil dude down.
This dude being from Philly and semi political it reminds me of this other mysterious artist I found from Philly, Spook. He is like Mach-Hommy adjacent, lyrical, semi political as well. Raps over crazy sample beats by Sadhugold. These dudes should link.
Btw u got that new spook proj bro?
i haven’t heard anyone rap over sample heavy beats that are this good in a goddamn while like he fr gives me nostalgia associated w a previous era
Listening rn it's pretty good.
He sounds a lot like Lupe over JPEG beats
Like if the JPEG beats were made in 10 minutes and were complete throwaways, but yep that's it.
Like if the JPEG beats were made in 10 minutes and were complete throwaways, but yep that's it.
Nah its not as layered as peggys stuff, its like a mix of sampling and some of the loop based s*** that SLUMs are doing. Some of the newer beats that Earl or MIKE rap over are relatively simple as far as just being loops
This is a pretty apt description. If I had to boil dude down.
This dude being from Philly and semi political it reminds me of this other mysterious artist I found from Philly, Spook. He is like Mach-Hommy adjacent, lyrical, semi political as well. Raps over crazy sample beats by Sadhugold. These dudes should link.
You put me on I'ma check him out
Been listening to There Will Be No Super-Slave.
Sampling the PS4 load screen music or whatever >>
Sampling New Jack’s O.J. promo from Smoky Mountain Wrestling >>>