gibbs doin some brazilian emo s*** back in the day
! thats interesting never thought id see gibbs do some portugese music
Freddie's one of the few rapper's that can actually f*** around & do whatever they want.
Cause when it's time to tear s*** up, he always come through with heat.
gibbs doin some brazilian emo s*** back in the day
@Antidote imagine milipilis and tinchos bumping Freddie Gibbs in their parties
Crazy, saw it on my Spotify frontpage yesterday. Will give it a spin later
gibbs doin some brazilian emo s*** back in the day
! man is undefeated
nigga this y’all mans like reggaeton not taking the charts past few years and will continue to grow
gibbs doin some brazilian emo s*** back in the day
At least Drake learned some lines in Spanish.
That being said, even though this is trash, other rappers have done reggaeton, like Drake, Future, Snoop, 50, Nore, Fat Joe, Nicki,...