Damn white skin really a defect
facts man, when you think about what albinos gotta go through
Dark skin is really so beautiful. Too bad society has been subconsciously trained to think otherwise!!
Dark skin is really so beautiful. Too bad society has been subconsciously trained to think otherwise!!
there are beautiful people in all skins, but dark skin is so f***ing smooth
there are beautiful people in all skins, but dark skin is so f***ing smooth
Facts brother! Dark skin just has the silk look makes you wanna touch it 🤤
Dark skin is really so beautiful. Too bad society has been subconsciously trained to think otherwise!!
If ppl beautiful they are beautiful
No matter the skin tone
If ppl beautiful they are beautiful
No matter the skin tone
If ppl beautiful they are beautiful
No matter the skin tone
Nah bro. Don’t all lives matter this.
Nah bro. Don’t all lives matter this.
Dont get this? does it come off as me taking the attention of her?
She dark and beautiful just like Ariana
This is photoshopped right?
Dont get this? does it come off as me taking the attention of her?
Yeah. White people do it on twitter all the time. Like when there’s posts appreciating black women, there’s always a white person or a Latina saying something like “all women are beautiful no matter their skin tone”. All women are beautiful no matter the color of course but it’s inappropriate to all lives matter a post appreciating a specific group.
Yeah. White people do it on twitter all the time. Like when there’s posts appreciating black women, there’s always a white person or a Latina saying something like “all women are beautiful no matter their skin tone”. All women are beautiful no matter the color of course but it’s inappropriate to all lives matter a post appreciating a specific group.
Oh wow
Im not aware of this bro, i will make sure to not say s*** like this in a context like this anymore
Sorry for my ignorance, i wasnt aware of stuff like this
I know about the blacklivesmatter, allivesmatter bs, but didnt know they do it in this context too