both s*** but ughhh probably goblin, because it has yonkers and she
camp is just rubbish
I loved these albums to death my freshman year of high school
Goblin is an actual album that sounds inspired and has direction
Camp is a collection of garageband presets with witty zingers overlaid atop that. Clearly a comedian deciding he’ll make some fun jokey rap songs because his dumb puns won’t work in his stand up act
both s*** but ughhh probably goblin, because it has yonkers and she
camp is just rubbish
If you have to listen to 1 of these albums in the year 2022. which do you pick
Goblin cause even tho tyler was on f***shit he still leagues better of an artist than Donald
Goblin feels like an album that wanted to be a classic and failed. Camp feels like an album that thought it was a classic and failed.
Goblin is probably objectively worse, but I’d still pick it.