God is merely the result of the human species need for acceptance. H****sapiens are weak minded.
God is merely the result of the human species need for acceptance. H****sapiens are weak minded.
God created the Universe.
God created the Universe.
You say this with confidence and without question which leads me to believe you have credible source which denotes the existence of a power greater than the H****sapiens, who can cast action down upon on billions of animals at his whim? Prove your point or stand proud in your ignorance.
You say this with confidence and without question which leads me to believe you have credible source which denotes the existence of a power greater than the H****sapiens, who can cast action down upon on billions of animals at his whim? Prove your point or stand proud in your ignorance.
If the world is material, full of space, then what created must be immaterial, spaceless and timeless, that is God.
If the world is material, full of space, then what created must be immaterial, spaceless and timeless, that is God.
What statutes that material things (full of space) must be created by things immaterial and space less? Furthermore, what constitutes that to be God?
What statutes that material things (full of space) must be created by things immaterial and space less? Furthermore, what constitutes that to be God?
How can there be something material creating something material? There was a beginning and in the beggining there was nothing. There had to be something immaterial to create something material, timeless to create time and spaceless to create space. Otherwise you assuming there was no beginning and the universe always existed, which is not true, even scientists agree on this. It was God because he is the only one with that power, God never had a birth or death, he always existed.
How can there be something material creating something material? There was a beginning and in the beggining there was nothing. There had to be something immaterial to create something material, timeless to create time and spaceless to create space. Otherwise you assuming there was no beginning and the universe always existed, which is not true, even scientists agree on this. It was God because he is the only one with that power, God never had a birth or death, he always existed.
Your argument requires further understanding of what is actually immaterial and what is material. Immaterial things cannot exist (which you claim to be god). All physical states, are material states. If god can have physical affect upon our realm of being, he cannot be space less and immaterial. Thus, he cannot exist.
Holy f*** some c***s cant ever shut up and let people live and believe whatever they want
Your argument requires further understanding of what is actually immaterial and what is material. Immaterial things cannot exist (which you claim to be god). All physical states, are material states. If god can have physical affect upon our realm of being, he cannot be space less and immaterial. Thus, he cannot exist.
God exists because he is everything the Universe is not to create it.
God lives outside of time, he already knows what happens in the future and the past.
God is immaterial because he had to be to create material.
God exists because he is everything the Universe is not to create it.
God lives outside of time, he already knows what happens in the future and the past.
God is immaterial because he had to be to create material.
Very well, I am a believer now.
Very well, I am a believer now.
Check out Cross Examined on youtube to answer more of your questions
Check out Cross Examined on youtube to answer more of your questions
Thank you brother, have a blessed day
why this nigga ain't get me that pink mongoose i wanted when i was 6
one day you will get it 😈