If it starts being obvious shave it all off dont be one of those
Buzz it to a 2? That’s too long, you’ll still be noticeably balding lol.
You gotta just fully shave it bald and grow a nice beard. Buy minoxidil if you struggle with your beard. Also hit the gym and get big. You gotta be big to pull off the bald/beard look.
Just don't be a p**** insecure b**** about it, that's what kills dudes
My only complaint is it hurts dating with girls in their early 20s compared to when I had hair. I noticed older women treated me much nicer and would flirt much more often, so you can go for that if you want. If you're bi too, guys loved bald
Yeah, I haven't let it show how much this is bothering me.
I mean I sat down to get a trim and had a full conversation with my barber about it in a packed shop.
I don't really care but I know it's making me look a hell of a lot uglier than I actually am.
Funnily enough the girl I'm chatting to likes 'mature guys', apparently that's me.. even with my balding ass head.
Can you grow a beard?
Not really, looks good as stubble/5 o clock but anything longer looks messy since it's quite patchy.
It's dense where there is hair but there's not a lot of hair, kinda like my head.
Make sure to even the skin tone through tanning to get that nice strong head
I'm pasty white Irish so..
I'm pasty white Irish so..
your scalp will always be lighter than your skintone if evening the contrast won't help....then try out for modeling no capp
your scalp will always be lighter than your skintone if evening the contrast won't help....then try out for modeling no capp
find a way to be comfortable with yourself, cus if you aren't then nobody will !
it depends on your head shape too. I won't do it tho.
exactly, been wanting to get a buzz cut for a minute but i have an alien shaped head so id look terrible
You gotta just do it and embrace that s***. The more you fight it, the more it’ll bother you
Well...watch this dude videos youtube.com/channel/UCwBM95HF8Wjnf36i86w3ZQg/videos
...gain some inspiration...then cut finally cut that s***, lol.
I'm a shortie too, 5'7
honestly there comes a point when you're balding that u have to just buzz it or shave it. U can get the Matt Damon buzzcut look going.
Being bald isn't bad - you just have to fully accept it when it happens. Lots of bald guys look super sharp.
I went bald at 21
you're good OP
you're gonna have switch up the style and people are gonna assume you're older but it's not bad
a guy I knew went bald and grew a beard at 21
He looks really good. When my hairline goes farther back I'm just gonna shave it all off and bulk up a bit more.
a guy I knew went bald and grew a beard at 21
He looks really good. When my hairline goes farther back I'm just gonna shave it all off and bulk up a bit more.
I've kept it short with a bald fade for the past while, had some girl friends of my brother tell me I'm the only guy who they've ever seen it look good on!
But since the baldings gotten worse and the barbers are shut, my hairs grown out and I'm screwed.
same age as you & I‘m bald too (not totally you can still see the shadow). I wasn’t balding though.
Ngl one of the hardest things a dude can go through. Peace be with you man, if it's any consolation since it happened to me I've still been able to date beautiful girls and recently a pretty cute friend of mine told me she has feelings for me even though I don't really feel the same way on a surface level it's good for the ego. Get in the gym though even though it's completely aesthetic it helps with confidence more than you'd know. Only wishing strength.
f*** that s***, I'm saving all my money to get that s*** fixed.
Black people generally look better bald
I feel like MJ started this
if you're handsome period/get a good beard you're gonna look good bald pale/tan/black