In 2024 it's gonna be weird
@op I am curious what mu and fa are like now, those were my main two boards a decade and a half ago. I wonder if the mucore charts got a third big update since I think the last one I saw was from 2015
Also the video game ones. Should update if the pet board is just pitbull hate and thinly veiled racial still
there's a lot of diverse taste being displayed and there's decent discussion but its flooded with weirdo s*** at the same time
Im going to browse and post on 4chan everyday for the next couple of weeks and post regular updates about how it's affecting my mental health. being 100% serious what board should I browse first.
We were molded by moot.
Welcome and read the rules.
these people can't have the most mundane of conversations without going on some weird rant lmao
these people can't have the most mundane of conversations without going on some weird rant lmao
What boards are you going to?
4chan isn't for you.
I think its kinda funny, what other boards should I check out
I think its kinda funny, what other boards should I check out
B and pol and k and v
I think its kinda funny, what other boards should I check out
It's very funny, until it isn't, stay vigilant.
/b/ is an absolute shell of what it used to be, you're wasting your time op
Exactly I don't know what op is even trying to achieve. Better off watching Green text videos on YouTube
i always used to see advice threads on there all the time and the consensus was always 'get off this site its terrible for you' and i was always like nah thats bullshit but now after like 10 years im starting to think that it definitely plays a part in viewing everything through a negative lense and being a f***ing elitist about everything. nobody there likes anything and the older i get i really dislike that
im not saying thats unique to 4chan because its the same way on here and especially twitter, but its worse there than it is here in that regard
do tell
Modern 4chan is mostly gooners and performative edgy folk who say s*** to try and relive an era that will never come back. Once 8chan popped off (and then everything after that and the younger generations steering towards discord servers) it never fully bounced back
Modern 4chan is mostly gooners and performative edgy folk who say s*** to try and relive an era that will never come back. Once 8chan popped off (and then everything after that and the younger generations steering towards discord servers) it never fully bounced back
its basically like a dead marriage but they won't get divorced because of the kids?
Modern 4chan is mostly gooners and performative edgy folk who say s*** to try and relive an era that will never come back. Once 8chan popped off (and then everything after that and the younger generations steering towards discord servers) it never fully bounced back
I remembr when 8chan was a thing and i went on my monthly 4chan lurk and everyone was fuming over it, and i go to see what 8chan is and see sme of the worst s*** ever
Mind u i was like 15/16 . I didnt need to see all tht