Lemon on No One Ever Really Dies
Pharrell and Rihanna cornballs for that one
Honestly I think this might be sacrilegious but Love’s In Need Of Love Today is bottom tier on Songs In the Key Of Life
(First song, not track, so seven second long intros and s*** don’t count)
!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SDPLRAki7BsIt’s annoying how Blonde on Blonde opens with this song and especially the very start of this song, not a vibe, but ofc the album picks up after that and classic
There really aren’t many examples of this I can think of, since obv the first song is usually picked by the artist to put the album’s best foot forward (and usually their taste resonates with me if I liked the album)
!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cu2Dsnvk6M0i always was cool on this song despite Pinkerton being one of my favorites of all time
!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uBrsLYhMwacI don’t dislike this song as much as I did the first time I heard about Jermaine’s verbal AK in 2013, but it’s still my least favorite on the album (which I think is his best work)
Someone clearly is too sensitive and hasnt been between whoever’s d*** it is and it shows