Future had a cool run when I was in high school but niggas needa stop forcing this him bein the greatest right now s***
A cool run? S*** was legendary buddy
I know he’s got songs like March Madness, but I stand by what I said
He’s not that too heavy on bars or lyrics. He’s much better at displaying emotion and pain, basically he’s great at using his voice as an instrument.
Thank you
This is what I’ve been saying and folks are crucifying me
A cool run? S*** was legendary buddy
the way nerds try to diminish future is crazy
Thank you
This is what I’ve been saying and folks are crucifying me
Future is a great writer so I even retract on the lyrics part. It’s just not in a conventional way as a rapper.
Future is a great writer so I even retract on the lyrics part. It’s just not in a conventional way as a rapper.
thank you for this I was respectfully about to oppose your stance on his lyrics
this honestly not that far fetched. he’s definitely one of the most influential of this new generation next to Wayne and Sosa
Can y’all look at the RAPPING?
Who is future outrapping? Bar for bar?
Against Drake, Kendrick, Cole, Or Tyler?
u ok?
this honestly not that far fetched. he’s definitely one of the most influential of this new generation next to Wayne and Sosa
Yes it is man
I can’t think of anyone more influential over the last 10 years
From his run which was the craziest since Wayne, to bringing that magic city sound mainstream
Can’t drive around a city without hearing future playing
His influence is everywhere from Thug and durk to baby and gunna