Absolutely love the warm tones of the cover, might be my favourite of the year. First listen here we go
Boutta listen in a bit
Holy f***. almost done with the album
I aint tryna say no hyperboles even though im usually right about s*** but this easily top 3 album oty either way
insane album, i don't have words. just congratulations to roy and everyone involved on the album. that was worth the wait.
How is this even possible bro not even major artist releases are this quality.
the 4th minute of Garden
i barely remember what it all felt like,
said it's pointless, pointless without you...
Garden is a stunner. Hummingbird, Plum, and Rain also standouts on first play. cool listen fa sho
The string sections sprinkled throughout this project are to die for.
The last minute of Amberwood might be my favourite minute of music this year, the harmonica to close it is so so beautiful.
The title track is definitely a highlight as well, might have the best writing on there.
Sleeper album for sure.
Been on repeat all day. I feel like im talkin to myself wit this but i cant help myself.
This prob one of the only albums ive ever heard that perfectly encapsulates that lost in translation/ fallen angels/eternal sunshine/ her type vibe but in music form. Honestly i cant name another.
Feels like an early 20-something trying to figure out life through cityscapes and coming up short due to what has happened in the past. A feeling i resonate with quite well. This feels like a quintessential album for that vibe.
Such a good year for music and thank you for adding it with one of the best albums ive heard. This is prob my all time fav year for music now, personally.