  • Dec 11, 2019
    1 reply
    d stoner

    In scope*

    I wish they built ontop of what theyve accomplished more, instead of starting from scratch with every release.

    Stuff like the max payne 3 gunplay, should be in all their games (minus bullet time)... Why cant i aim down sights, and press the jump button to dive?.. S*** like that.

    they spend so much time detailing horse testicles to change with the weather they forget about the controls

  • d stoner 🤬
    Dec 11, 2019

    they spend so much time detailing horse testicles to change with the weather they forget about the controls

    I tried to keep an eye out, and still never noticed the horse testies changing.

  • Dec 11, 2019


  • Dec 11, 2019
    1 reply
    d stoner

    In scope*

    I wish they built ontop of what theyve accomplished more, instead of starting from scratch with every release.

    Stuff like the max payne 3 gunplay, should be in all their games (minus bullet time)... Why cant i aim down sights, and press the jump button to dive?.. S*** like that.

    I think they do this so that all their IPs can feel different and unique. If GTA offers the gunplay of Max Payne with the ability to hunt animals like in RDR, people may feel less inclined to purchase those games and say "Fuck it, I'll just wait for the next GTA which will have all these features AND a large open world playground to cause chaos in a modern setting ".

  • d stoner 🤬
    Dec 11, 2019
    1 reply
    BlueChew Sean

    I think they do this so that all their IPs can feel different and unique. If GTA offers the gunplay of Max Payne with the ability to hunt animals like in RDR, people may feel less inclined to purchase those games and say "Fuck it, I'll just wait for the next GTA which will have all these features AND a large open world playground to cause chaos in a modern setting ".

    Id understand where ur coming from, and maybe agree, if a variation of bullet time wasnt in all their games. In rdr2 specifically, its used as a crutch cuz the gunplay is awful.

    Theyre constantly pushing to innovate in every way possible, except gameplay. They really need to focus on it in their next couple releases.

  • Dec 11, 2019
    1 reply
    d stoner

    Id understand where ur coming from, and maybe agree, if a variation of bullet time wasnt in all their games. In rdr2 specifically, its used as a crutch cuz the gunplay is awful.

    Theyre constantly pushing to innovate in every way possible, except gameplay. They really need to focus on it in their next couple releases.

    No cap, I was actually thinking of bullet time being in every one of their last few games as I typed that post I guess they didn't incorporate MP3 gunplay in RDR2 because it wouldn't match that era. Can't be diving and rolling around when niggas were wearing bandoliers/cowboy hats and guns fired/reloaded slower. We'll have to see about GTA6 but I feel like 5 benefited slightly from Rockstar's experience with MP3, combat felt a lot smoother and quicker than 4. I think they didn't go full MP3 in GTA 5 to make the IPs feel different.

    I agree about needing to innovate, especially when it comes to the feel of movement in their games. Niko/Michael/Arthur lowkey move in a similar manner like you can watch gameplay and immediately tell "Okay, this is a Rockstar game". Its time to change that s*** but they should modify systems from their previous games as you said instead of starting from scratch

  • Dec 12, 2019

    What’s that new update hittin fo

  • d stoner 🤬
    Dec 12, 2019
    BlueChew Sean

    No cap, I was actually thinking of bullet time being in every one of their last few games as I typed that post I guess they didn't incorporate MP3 gunplay in RDR2 because it wouldn't match that era. Can't be diving and rolling around when niggas were wearing bandoliers/cowboy hats and guns fired/reloaded slower. We'll have to see about GTA6 but I feel like 5 benefited slightly from Rockstar's experience with MP3, combat felt a lot smoother and quicker than 4. I think they didn't go full MP3 in GTA 5 to make the IPs feel different.

    I agree about needing to innovate, especially when it comes to the feel of movement in their games. Niko/Michael/Arthur lowkey move in a similar manner like you can watch gameplay and immediately tell "Okay, this is a Rockstar game". Its time to change that s*** but they should modify systems from their previous games as you said instead of starting from scratch

    Tbh the movement is a lot more fluid in their games at 60fps+. Hopefully they shoot for that on console next gen. That alone would help so much.

    Agreed on the gta 5 aiming system tho. It was improved over 4... Thats part of the reason the rdr2 aiming system was so jarring tho. That game as a whole sacrificed too much for the sake of realism and pacing imo.

  • Dec 15, 2019

    i need some f***in money

  • Dec 15, 2019
    Americana 2

    rotate santa cruz and monterey so the coast faces south then move sacramento south into the stockton part and we have a perfect map

    In the north we can have napa/wine country and marin, then three major concentrated urban centers with SJ,SF, and OAK

    Then have the disconnected urban center in Sacramento

    And lastly the smaller communities in the east bay and peninsula, along with Moneterey and Santa Cruz and the forests between them and the bay

    sac in a gta game would be life changing

  • Dec 15, 2019
    1 reply

    All I want for 6 is a CJ cameo or set of missions, they dropped the ball by not having him or sweet in 5

    they said the old characters don’t exist in the he universe

  • Dec 15, 2019
    1 reply
    Kenny Hendrix

    they said the old characters don’t exist in the he universe

    That’s a joke

  • Dec 15, 2019
    1 reply

    That’s a joke

    I was pumped to see Grove Street in GTA 5, bring some nostalgia, and got dissapointed. Shame Los Santos was completely redesigned.

  • Dec 15, 2019
    2 replies
    The Cryptkeeper

    I was pumped to see Grove Street in GTA 5, bring some nostalgia, and got dissapointed. Shame Los Santos was completely redesigned.

    Driving thru the hood to find grove street and seeing all purple hurt my heart

  • Dec 15, 2019

    Driving thru the hood to find grove street and seeing all purple hurt my heart

    same, I thought you could at least do gang wars and take over territory like SA

  • Dec 15, 2019
    1 reply

    Driving thru the hood to find grove street and seeing all purple hurt my heart

    grove street were b**** niggas anyway

  • Dec 15, 2019
    1 reply

    grove street were b**** niggas anyway

    Ballas were a bunch of crack heads grove street was tryna clean up the hood don’t disrespect Sweet and CJ

  • Dec 15, 2019

    Ballas were a bunch of crack heads grove street was tryna clean up the hood don’t disrespect Sweet and CJ

  • Dec 16, 2019
    1 reply

    U have to be a complete idiot to play GTA games in 2019. Rockstar is a talentless studio that makes every game like GTA cause of their lack of creativity. Only morons and fake gamers play this mainstream hyped series. U are a casual gamer and a fraud

  • d stoner 🤬
    Dec 16, 2019

    U have to be a complete idiot to play GTA games in 2019. Rockstar is a talentless studio that makes every game like GTA cause of their lack of creativity. Only morons and fake gamers play this mainstream hyped series. U are a casual gamer and a fraud

    Wym no creativity?

    They just dropped an arcade dlc with 12 new mini games + a new heist packed with choices and options.

  • kainie 🌌
    Dec 17, 2019
    1 reply

    vice city stories in my top 5, that s*** is crack

  • Dec 17, 2019

    vice city stories in my top 5, that s*** is crack

    said nobody ever

  • Dec 17, 2019

    Bully 2 out now

  • Dec 18, 2019
    3 replies

    Is GTA online still alive?

  • Dec 18, 2019
    bobby j

    Is GTA online still alive?

