everything about this movie is weird
like I'm not saying that as an insult or anything. I'm sure it'll be great and I do plan to see it.
it's just crazy the names attached to this thing and just...everything about it. lmao. like are we sure this movie is for the right universe/simulation?
this movie is very confusing to me like, who's the target audience? why are people hyped? is it because of the cast because there's like 4 movies a year stacked with A-tier cast that end up being trash like Amsterdam and I don't understand if this barbie hype is a meme a la Minions. I feel like I got some catching up to do, woke up to a trending barbie trailer and it's weird because the trailer doesn't look so appealing they're roleplaying being toys?
ok so I'm not the only one lol (check post above this)
everything about this movie is weird
like I'm not saying that as an insult or anything. I'm sure it'll be great and I do plan to see it.
it's just crazy the names attached to this thing and just...everything about it. lmao. like are we sure this movie is for the right universe/simulation?
I think that’s why it’s catching on so much, because it’s so bizarre.
And what puts it over the top is the pedigree of talent attached to it both on, and behind, the camera.
I think that’s why it’s catching on so much, because it’s so bizarre.
And what puts it over the top is the pedigree of talent attached to it both on, and behind, the camera.
2nd sentence is what gets me the most. Like I'm not saying Ryan Gosling can't play a movie like this and its not like he's above doing films like this or anything but its still WEIRD that he's in this if they're actually playing this movie straight as the trailer indicates
ok so I'm not the only one lol (check post above this)
If it wasn’t directed by Greta I wouldn’t give a s***
Given how it looks on the surface you’d think “Oh, this is just gonna be another fish out of water story using the Barbie IP”, but given who’s involved you KNOW it’s not gonna be just that, but it SEEMS to be just that, and it’s being marketed as that, but again, it’s likely not just gonna be that.
It could go anywhere.
I think that’s why it’s catching on so much, because it’s so bizarre.
And what puts it over the top is the pedigree of talent attached to it both on, and behind, the camera.
Film fans are hype bc of the talent
The gays are hype bc its barbie
Normies hype bc nostalgia + margot & ryan
People who like atypical s*** hype bc movie has weird tone
Hitting a lot of basis as I see it
Film fans are hype bc of the talent
The gays are hype bc its barbie
Normies hype bc nostalgia + margot & ryan
People who like atypical s*** hype bc movie has weird tone
Hitting a lot of basis as I see it
And the fact that the marketing has it being played as completely straight, not even suggesting that there’s anything weird about it whatsoever.
It’s fascinating and fantastic.
And the fact that the marketing has it being played as completely straight, not even suggesting that there’s anything weird about it whatsoever.
It’s fascinating and fantastic.
And they haven't even shown us barbie in the real world yet
And they haven't even shown us barbie in the real world yet
Yea this is where its going to get even more bizarre i think lol
this tweet raises the question to me that are kids movies nowadays so neutered and safe that stuff like this is new to younger people?
https://twitter.com/parasocialyte/status/1643771507506663425Not at all. Kid shows and movies still have hidden adult jokes in it.
But this tweet comes from the fact the marketing has still been really elusive with people
I'ma laugh if this movie plays exactly how the trailers portray it.
For sure. A lot of people are going into this one expecting more than what the trailer shows, given who's involved. I have no idea what to expect but I'm not too hyped either. I'll just wait and see wassup
I'ma laugh if this movie plays exactly how the trailers portray it.
S***s gonna be the Lego movie but with Barbie and people gonna eat that s*** up like its deep or something.
S***s gonna be the Lego movie but with Barbie and people gonna eat that s*** up like its deep or something.
Watch the whole movie be a critique of late stage capitalism