Literally just has the face of 99% of other white girls from Europe
shes a lizard!
Lizard Greta Huntnwhberg talking about fake climate change which the do nothing decomtrats focus on! Sad!
shes a lizard!
Lizard Greta Huntnwhberg talking about fake climate change which the do nothing decomtrats focus on! Sad!
This has to be satire or you are freaking dumb lol.
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Literally just has the face of 99% of other white girls from Europe
Do you make ANY posts that aren’t either whining about white peope or getting insecure about something someone said about black people? Get a grip.
This has to be satire or you are freaking dumb lol.
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You must be one of those do nothing democrats! Sad life u live! Sad!
Do you make ANY posts that aren’t either whining about white peope or getting insecure about something someone said about black people? Get a grip.
Do you make ANY posts that aren’t either whining about white peope or getting insecure about something someone said about black people? Get a grip.
u mad as s***
This has to be satire or you are freaking dumb lol.
Close registration.
You must be one of those do nothing democrats! Sad life u live! Sad!
Wrong! I’m a centrist, very liberal of you to rush to conclusions lol
Wrong! I’m a centrist, very liberal of you to rush to conclusions lol
A centrist! That must be a new term Nervous Nancy invented! Sad!
A centrist! That must be a new term Nervous Nancy invented! Sad!
You must be new to politics (LOL) there’s more than just left/right than you new kids seem to believe. Centrists are more informationed and nuanced, read more kid.
You must be new to politics (LOL) there’s more than just left/right than you new kids seem to believe. Centrists are more informationed and nuanced, read more kid.
Womem shouldn't have gotten any rights to begin with! Sad!