how do niggas get off to hoes making these faces?, these faces make em look special ed
The whole “dumb” girl is attractive trope. Basically means they’re supposedly more submissive and will do what you say.
Because she’s making herself look/seem like a little girl when she does those expressions. Same thing w the OK boomer girl. S*** is pretty weird because they are attractive without appealing to that weeb coomer s***
Your point doesn’t make any sense. She’s just making a silly tiktok for fun. Is she supposed to make serious faces so you can masturbate to them while knowing she’s grown? Like what the f*** are you even saying
Because she’s making herself look/seem like a little girl when she does those expressions. Same thing w the OK boomer girl. S*** is pretty weird because they are attractive without appealing to that weeb coomer s***
people seriously jus started sayin this without explanation shes trying to look like a little girl…by going cross eyed??? little girls are cross eyed??
people seriously jus started sayin this without explanation shes trying to look like a little girl…by going cross eyed??? little girls are cross eyed??
Exactly it’s an o***** face lol, guys out here never made their girl go cross eyed before so they don’t know it’s a thing
people seriously jus started sayin this without explanation shes trying to look like a little girl…by going cross eyed??? little girls are cross eyed??
Bro they clearly acting childish we all see it
Exactly it’s an o***** face lol, guys out here never made their girl go cross eyed before so they don’t know it’s a thing
whatever it is, it’s not the facial expression that resembles how children look cus you ain’t just cross eyed til you turn 18
Your point doesn’t make any sense. She’s just making a silly tiktok for fun. Is she supposed to make serious faces so you can masturbate to them while knowing she’s grown? Like what the f*** are you even saying
Nigga what doesn’t make sense. You’re typing to me now so clearly you understand English. Are you just stupid?
Nigga what doesn’t make sense. You’re typing to me now so clearly you understand English. Are you just stupid?
Ok you’re ed
understanding English doesn’t have anything to do with understanding the point someone is making
This b**** is 25 acting like this??
Thought she was like 19/20
B****es be like 25+ acting like a anime teenager yet weebs on the net will try and paint you as the weird one for pointing it out
whatever it is, it’s not the facial expression that resembles how children look cus you ain’t just cross eyed til you turn 18
I was crosseyed at 2 years and it never went away even with multiple corrective surgeries :( am I gonna get cancelled
The whole “dumb” girl is attractive trope. Basically means they’re supposedly more submissive and will do what you say.
Not even remotely the case. It comes from “ahegao” which is supposed to represent when a woman is c*******so hard she loses control of her face and making a dumb face like with your tongue out and your eyes crossed
Then it just become a Tiktok trend for egirls
Not even remotely the case. It comes from “ahegao” which is supposed to represent when a woman is c*******so hard she loses control of her face and making a dumb face like with your tongue out and your eyes crossed
Then it just become a Tiktok trend for egirls
So again trying to attract guys by looking submissive
So again trying to attract guys by looking submissive
Losing control of your face isn’t looking submissive lol, it’s what happens when you o*****…
people seriously jus started sayin this without explanation shes trying to look like a little girl…by going cross eyed??? little girls are cross eyed??
She does the "owo, I'm daddy's lil girl" play thing half the time which relates trying to act like a literal little girl lol.
She does the "owo, I'm daddy's lil girl" play thing half the time which relates trying to act like a literal little girl lol.
! silly for internet points = little girl
I’d like when the girl at work is telling you how small her feet are. I’m so tiny uwu 🥺
being silly for internet points = little girl
Y'all call anything corny if any guy does s*** like this over the age of 21. Keep the same energy for tik tok stars who happen to look good
Y'all call anything corny if any guy does s*** like this over the age of 21. Keep the same energy for tik tok stars who happen to look good
What, if a guy did this and was silly not a single f***ing soul would be like “he needs to act like a grown ass MAN and not some little boy”
That wasn't the point bro
Why is this GROWN ass woman acting like a little girl in front a camera. It ain't normal behavior.
I'm just glad I didn't make this thread nor did this thread first spring to mind pedophilia. You guys all deserve each other.
Y'all call anything corny if any guy does s*** like this over the age of 21. Keep the same energy for tik tok stars who happen to look good
This just the female version of Uzi