Can we get the dawn already these latest features have been lackluster af
you know what i mean
Rather be in the feature era we are in now, compared to when this dropped..
was truly dark times.
oh you're nasty for the way you closed the sentence 🤣
What if abel dropping trash features to drop an incredible Trilogy level album?
It's funny how you're keeping count.
Records are recorded lol we might be hitting double digit flops by February
Way to go Abel, you have your fans arguing which was your worst era of features/loosies lol
Way to go Abel, you have your fans arguing which was your worst era of features/loosies lol
After Hours/Dawn era is easily the most phoned in I've seen from him
grimes dope tho, you probably butthurt because you f*** with the hate campaign against elon lol
What if abel dropping trash features to drop an incredible Trilogy level album?
why would he lower the bar when he already set a standard with After Hours? it's obvious when Abel is doing features for money because he doesn't put in all his effort, but he'll gladly put in a lot of work and time into his own albums
grimes dope tho, you probably butthurt because you f*** with the hate campaign against elon lol
bruh, elon is the cringiest mf in the world
bruh, elon is the cringiest mf in the world
see, you guys are hating on her because of him.
see, you guys are hating on her because of him.
i don't hate her lol. i like her music. i only said i don't like her recent song.
i don't hate her lol. i like her music. i only said i don't like her recent song.
production on her newest song is cool tho. also there are two snippets in the music video and they sound phenomenal.
one at the beggining, the other one at the end.