  • loading 🧊
    Oct 27, 2020
    1 reply

    Rockstar dropped the ball by not doing it in Toronto, easily the stupidest thing ever.

    They could’ve had Drake, Weeknd & Biebz guest star in like Bosses or bad guys. No ones gonna turn Rockstart down lol.

    Imagine Nav or Baka giving you a side mission

  • could be a controlled leak to generate hype and start people talking

  • Oct 27, 2020
    1 reply

    Name the most Urban star-studded city most relevant to the youth that plays GTA more than Toronto.

    A close 2nd could be Atlanta, which would actually be dope as well.

  • Oct 28, 2020
    1 reply

    At this point if you're Rockstar you can really only go one way. That is the entire earth...... Every continent, Ocean and even space.

    USA, Carribean/South America, Europe, Asia, etc

    They've already gone to London and Chinatown. Need to continue to outdo themselves.

  • Oct 28, 2020

    Gta in Detroit, Chicago, Canada

  • Beautiful Morning

    Game not coming till 2026 who cares

    GTA V PS6 and Xbox series xbox series xbox edition

  • Oct 28, 2020
    1 reply
    Gordon Elliot Show

    At this point if you're Rockstar you can really only go one way. That is the entire earth...... Every continent, Ocean and even space.

    USA, Carribean/South America, Europe, Asia, etc

    They've already gone to London and Chinatown. Need to continue to outdo themselves.


  • Oct 28, 2020

    Would only be good if they do Vice City or Las Vegas

  • Oct 28, 2020
    1 reply

    Name the most Urban star-studded city most relevant to the youth that plays GTA more than Toronto.

    A close 2nd could be Atlanta, which would actually be dope as well.

    nah toronto gta would be fye

  • Oct 28, 2020
    1 reply

    nah toronto gta would be fye

    Mechanical that you? You changed ya name big bro?

  • Oct 28, 2020

    Mechanical that you? You changed ya name big bro?

    profile bet with fyasko



    Naw stop being a beta. People saying Chicago, Atlanta, Toronto, Cincinnati, and St. Louis......

    F***ing yawn. I need extravagance and not these tired ass cities and so don't you and you can't even realize it.

  • Oct 29, 2020

    Tokyo or Russia

  • Oct 29, 2020
    1 reply

    GTA 6 better look as good as Cyberpunk 2077 at minimum

  • Oct 29, 2020

    Honestly they should just remake San Andreas w PS5 tier graphics and gameplay. Add some more missions and cars and most people will pay top dollar for it

  • Nov 1, 2020
    Yung Zuckerberg

    The f*** would this guys missions even look like? Pick up some Arby's for me?

    Go to toys R Us

  • Nov 1, 2020

    Rockstar dropped the ball by not doing it in Toronto, easily the stupidest thing ever.

    They could’ve had Drake, Weeknd & Biebz guest star in like Bosses or bad guys. No ones gonna turn Rockstart down lol.

    Imagine Nav or Baka giving you a side mission

    If nav gets put in the game I am making sure the first thing I do is rob him lol

  • Dec 4, 2020

    Rockstar dropped the ball by not doing it in Toronto, easily the stupidest thing ever.

    They could’ve had Drake, Weeknd & Biebz guest star in like Bosses or bad guys. No ones gonna turn Rockstart down lol.

    Imagine Nav or Baka giving you a side mission

  • Dec 4, 2020
    1 reply

    GTA 6 better look as good as Cyberpunk 2077 at minimum

    Will blow cyberpunk out of the water like red dead 2 did to the witcher 3.

  • One day they need to do tokyo

  • Dec 4, 2020

    I really hope they bring back a character from the 3-D universe.

    Is it confirmed that they have been working on this since GTAV? My only concern is Lazlow is no longer part of the creative team for GTA. He wrote some of the best humor that the series is known for.

  • Man this look dope asf. Always thought them pc gurus were dope for being able to do these

  • I remember a long time ago I had an idea for gta vi being set in Vice city and cuba. Cant tell me cuba wouldn't be dope for Gta after seeing the intro for Furious 8. Imagine the detail Rockstar would put for the next gen hardware. I give them s*** about milking gta v, which they deserve, but I know they could easily come out of retirement and take over the industry again if they wanted.

  • Dec 4, 2020
    Majin balotelli

    Will blow cyberpunk out of the water like red dead 2 did to the witcher 3.

    that’s extreme, lol
