Yeah get tested maybe next time that rash and the symptoms will go away
I only do longterm relationships I don’t have whatever you have
What if 40-50 just isnt that old to be surprised mfs still fine lol at least if they POC and were decently attractive to begin with
looks 23 to me
I’ve seen some chicks that are 26 looking way older than her it’s crazy fr
She damn near got the same birthday as 50 Cent yet 50 look considerably older.
when he got fat he cracked usually fat dont crack
She created so many careers off this album alone
I love the album but do u have direct examples 🤔
I’ve seen some chicks that are 26 looking way older than her it’s crazy fr
ditto this one time meet a girl went on date date ended was like back to yours?she was like fizzled out we both moved on or so i thought was at a party like 2 years later no lie saw a girl looking at me funny i was like
then she was like ' i know you' n started being salty while i had jkust finished giving my number to her buff friend no lie she had aged 10 years in that time please stay off coke late nights n heavy drinking couldn't believe it the fall of was immense