What y’all think?
i think jealousy is a popular feeling
At least Gunna has job security considering this man’s boss f***ed over everyone he employed
Karlous is beyond straight bruh lol.
if anything Viacom might give these niggas a show way faster than it probably was finna happen now.
You won't believe what happens next
yo avy hard slime who made it
If you give me millions of dollars I’m having ten-somes every night
tbh that nigga exposed himself with that tweet. Is he sayin your identity in high school is what you'll always be for the rest of your life? dat man is a bum
yo avy hard slime who made it
Got a whole bunch of them
What y’all think?
The sad part is both of these schools of thought have pieces of validity
Yeah if you got girls being yourself before you had money its hard to see why taking b****es on shopping sprees to f*** is necessary
But most girls in their 20's, especially their early 20's like pre 25-26, can probably be bought with trips, bags, clothes, cars, lifestyle type s***
but if that's how you gotta keep her its only a matter of time before a richer nigga come along. if you get her 2-4 designer bags a month then its a nigga who can get her a bag every day of the month.
and then if u say "fuck it i got money imma just have a roster of b****es" and tricking off on all of them you are now essentially employing b****es to f*** you and paying them in designer and u are kind of...a trick lmao
its a wild cycle when u really break it down, everyone's values are f***ed when this is supposed to be bout "romance" lol
The sad part is both of these schools of thought have pieces of validity
Yeah if you got girls being yourself before you had money its hard to see why taking b****es on shopping sprees to f*** is necessary
But most girls in their 20's, especially their early 20's like pre 25-26, can probably be bought with trips, bags, clothes, cars, lifestyle type s***
but if that's how you gotta keep her its only a matter of time before a richer nigga come along. if you get her 2-4 designer bags a month then its a nigga who can get her a bag every day of the month.
and then if u say "fuck it i got money imma just have a roster of b****es" and tricking off on all of them you are now essentially employing b****es to f*** you and paying them in designer and u are kind of...a trick lmao
its a wild cycle when u really break it down, everyone's values are f***ed when this is supposed to be bout "romance" lol
Good take
wunna stay winning
he just has a way w words
wunna stay winning
dam cooked his ass
wunna goat
tbh that nigga exposed himself with that tweet. Is he sayin your identity in high school is what you'll always be for the rest of your life? dat man is a bum
nah he's saying that a lot of times niggas get money and because they get a lot of hoes bc from tricking off they forget who they really were when u just had to pull a girl off the strength.
b****es actually liking you =/= b****es liking purses and high fashion lol
"you think you getting girls now because of your looks?"
dam cooked his ass
wunna goat
if yall knew karlous and how he be talking on his podcast
lmao nigga be talking about f***ing single mothers in their 30's
Gunna is taking a huge L if him and Karlous are f***ing the same b****es with him being almost 40 year old comedian and Gunna being a rapper in the prime of his career in his mid 20's lmaooo
The sad part is both of these schools of thought have pieces of validity
Yeah if you got girls being yourself before you had money its hard to see why taking b****es on shopping sprees to f*** is necessary
But most girls in their 20's, especially their early 20's like pre 25-26, can probably be bought with trips, bags, clothes, cars, lifestyle type s***
but if that's how you gotta keep her its only a matter of time before a richer nigga come along. if you get her 2-4 designer bags a month then its a nigga who can get her a bag every day of the month.
and then if u say "fuck it i got money imma just have a roster of b****es" and tricking off on all of them you are now essentially employing b****es to f*** you and paying them in designer and u are kind of...a trick lmao
its a wild cycle when u really break it down, everyone's values are f***ed when this is supposed to be bout "romance" lol
Bro there’s no shame in spending money on women if you got it it’s actually a pleasure and enjoyable
Who doesn't take a significant other shopping again?
The thing is tho the line between just f***ing and whatnot and an actual significant other gets blurry when ain't no rings involved and all these girls (if we all under 26-27) are a shopping spree/trip/expensive gift away from fw the next nigga lol if thats the main type of s*** she glorifies as showing affection
also this convo is extremely different for regular niggas and celebrity/rich niggas