Nigga said anorexia culture n body dysmorphia back in style
Ppl were going hard on him when he was bigger
it becoming normal that wanting to be slim = body dysmorphia is insanity
Needs to be a happy median but that's not what's being perpetrated itt
what are the side effects of it
Also why do rich famous white women think that jawline s*** is sexy, makes them look like
Wunna healthy!
Why the f*** this dude got the Chanel logo tattooed across his belly button lol
it becoming normal that wanting to be slim = body dysmorphia is insanity
ozempic pack I think is what this is in reference to though
Nigga wtf was Christina Hendricks thinking
Literally the only reason I watched Mad Men
thats the first thing in your mind when you see these pics?
When its that exaggerated and now most of their face realestate hell yeah
They either sucking so much d*** for an eternity24/7, theyre perpetually trying to sip the last bit of soda from a straw or have pogged too much in youtube thumbnails that their cheeks got stuck & is now a legally defined phisical disability injury
starvation mode muscle loss
Sucked so much d*** too hard my cheeks permanently caved in #ama
Is sucking d*** too hard a successful hollywood workout secret???
Literally the only reason I watched Mad Men
Why are y'all claiming 'anorexia culture' when Gunna looks normal sized currently In shape is also a thing. It's not either fat or anorexic lmao.
Keto diet