Man I wish I had a bunch on limp wrist white boys coming at me like this I’d look like jet li knocking these cacs out.
kid in the three stripe sweatpants lookin like he’s never even seen a fight in his f***ing life
S*** like that is why women will always think they’re in the right to hit a man in public. People will watch a woman beat a man like there’s no tomorrow but soon as he retaliate mfs wanna act like they just wasn’t enjoying the s*** show. Niggas need to start poppin niggas that wanna do that jumping s***.
Fr, double standards are a b****.
tbh looked like mostly girls fighting him
You would think so based on how everybody was swinging like girls but it was def some boys in there
stupid b**** got cracked once and was out of commission
all those kids corny for jumping on him like that. mind your own business losers.
Look like nun of those hits hurt
I said the same s***.
Looked like a bunch of love taps
honestly if a woman punch u in the face all serious, why shouldnt u be able to give her a lil tap on the mouth, just 1 jab
Imagine getting “jumped” by like 10 people and still getting up and walking away perfectly fine p**** ass kids
Looks like the UK
At least they don’t gotta worry about their teeth getting messed up then
It’s always been like this sadly. I remember in middle school this loud mouth girl was messing with this quiet kid, he simply said leave me alone and she started whaling on him. He simply pushed her away and like 3 dudes jumped up and took off on him when he didn’t even hit her.
I'd shoot up the school if I was him