that said she went from skapunk to hollaback girl to harajuku barbie & now country
that said she went from skapunk to hollaback girl to harajuku barbie & now country
Diverse artist. She even has s*** like Running that I hear in Publix sometimes. It’s just her singing over some kind of synth
@op i didn't bother saying this earlier in the releases thread cause it's whatever really, but the headlines for this album were actually specifically "this is not a country record" lol
@op i didn't bother saying this earlier in the releases thread cause it's whatever really, but the headlines for this album were actually specifically "this is not a country record" lol ah s***
@op i didn't bother saying this earlier in the releases thread cause it's whatever really, but the headlines for this album were actually specifically "this is not a country record" lol husband too influential. i demand a divorce
Somebody Else's video
! just gonna post this