  • Nov 9, 2019

    Here I am planning to go out and dine like a prince and all of a sudden I get hit with the worst stomach virus and fever... threw up nearly 10 times and couldn’t eat/drink anything for a while because it would come out one way or another

    What did you guys do when you turned 21?

  • Nov 9, 2019

    Happy birthday.

  • Nov 9, 2019

    stayed home

  • Cheers

  • Nov 9, 2019
    1 reply

  • Nov 9, 2019

    happy birthday
    havent turned 21 yet so i couldnt tell ya lol

  • Nov 9, 2019
    1 reply


  • Nov 9, 2019
    1 reply

    nothing at all i am a loser

  • Nov 9, 2019

    im probably gonna stay home during my 21st

  • Nov 9, 2019

    Birthdays fake anyway... just celebrate when you are healthy again bro

  • Nov 9, 2019

    haven't turned 21 yet but im probably gonna celebrate the same way ive always have with my family.

    but im sorry to hear what happened to u. happy birthday !

  • Nov 9, 2019

    Went to strip club

  • Nov 9, 2019

    You could’ve gotten food poisoning and died. Consider yourself spared buddy

  • Nov 9, 2019
    1 reply

    I spent my 22nd birthday at an airport and we almost had a family vs family (physical) fight and got racially abused, we coulda ended up arrested or on worldstar Shyt happens lets hope you got many more birthdays vro

  • Nov 9, 2019
    1 reply

    s***...thats life sometimes...

  • Nov 9, 2019

    s***...thats life sometimes...

  • Nov 9, 2019
    1 reply

    get well soon

  • Nov 9, 2019

    got blacked out so I wouldn’t remember it

  • Nov 9, 2019
    the end

    get well soon

  • Nov 9, 2019

    You’ll be alright. Enjoy each day.

  • Nov 9, 2019

    My 21st was nov 7 and my mommy took me to 4 bars

  • Nov 9, 2019

    No worries, you can go in hard on your next 21st birthday

  • Nov 9, 2019


  • Nov 9, 2019

    nothing at all i am a loser

    Your not