  • Jun 2, 2020

    What state do you live in? So I’ll make sure to never move there.

  • Jun 2, 2020
    good boy

    Snakes are the only animal that I can kill with 0 remorse

  • MY SLIME 😭🐍

  • Jun 3, 2020

    i feel u op but these niggas huge

    f*** my dogs b that mf could swallow me f*** that s***

    if it makes u feel better i caught a cute garden snake the other day, my parents were freaking out but I picked it up with my bare hands and let it go in the woods πŸ€—

  • Jun 3, 2020

    where the hell do you live???
    how do you have a f***ing snake just chilling in your garden

    most i ever get in mine is like a neighbors cat or a fox