Who does what? My roommate has always folded shirts and says everyone he knows has done that but I think that’s weird af and have always hung my shirts
used to lay stuff out on my sofa
but yeah hang is better
but who has that much space ?
used to lay stuff out on my sofa
but yeah hang is better
but who has that much space ?
Space to hang or fold?
under no circumstances do i hang a t-shirt.
i used to fold button up shirts because I had them in a drawer but now I hang them in the wardrobe
I have drawers for all of my bullshit tees I wear around the house or to go to the gym/store.
All my shirts I wear to get fits off are on wooden hangers.
if i fold my shirts i have to go over them with a steamer/iron to get the creases out so i prefer to hang them
i’m at a crossroads with this. hanging shirts i get fits off in is what i’ve practiced but i believe hanging certain shirts of mine has fked up their collars so