  • Jan 30, 2020

    People won't respect you for giving them your time, being there for them, doing favors for them, and being polite and kind to them. They'll respect you for having your own life, your own dreams and goals to achieve, places to go, and people to meet.

    It was particularly tough for me to put this into action because I was raised to put others first. I wasn't allowed to make my own decisions growing up. I was criticized for wanting to pursue hobbies and interests because they were "a waste of time."

    It's okay to spend time on yourself, but know who the real ones are. Those are the only people you should be spending your time and energy on.

  • Jan 30, 2020

    Sorry theo love you and i'm happy for you but i don't read long emails

  • Jan 30, 2020

    trust may be the most valuable asset a significant other can have.