Seat belt wearers fuming.
Yall really be policing every single part of other people's lives
Rihanna could give me an STD. In my mouth. I'd drink from the same straw as her just to catch her Herpes.
This p*** star like the only one who didn’t know Rihanna had a std
bruh yall just run with anything
Rihanna could give me an STD. In my mouth. I'd drink from the same straw as her just to catch her Herpes.
You see how bad she is? Fam I'd suck the snot out of her nose. Rihanna is so fine man.
You see how bad she is? Fam I'd suck the snot out of her nose. Rihanna is so fine man.
Honestly the only person I'd believe less than a p*** star is a d*** addict and often they're one and the same
(I have fam who. Are d*** addict and p*** star so no hate)