Driver should have been Snape. Stupid casting
Last was a stretch but rob patts as Voldemort 🧐
You think they going to use some of the OG cast in this for other roles?
You think they going to use some of the OG cast in this for other roles?
If they could make them unrecognisable, sizing up Radcliffe with some prosthetics to be Hagrid could go ham
If they could make them unrecognisable, sizing up Radcliffe with some prosthetics to be Hagrid could go ham
I'm open for anything tbh I could see some make a cameo as other roles for nostalgia Could be fun to see Tom Felton as Lucius Malfoy
Hamza al-Potter
Harry Potter comes from a long line of racists
Driver should have been Snape. Stupid casting
Driver should only be on the big screen.
they’d better make Harry black too then
They either make the whole cast black or they pussied out
Adam Driver as Snape would have worked ten years ago pre Star Wars, but a well known movie star like him ain’t committing 11-12 years of his life playing a supporting character in a television series at this point in his career.
Making Snape of all characters black is nasty work.
The optics of his backstory alone is just wild.
the weird implications of a black Snape being bullied while lusting over a white girl.
Snape is one of the most divisive characters in the whole series already.
If the series wanted to have a black character then the character of Dean Thomas was right there. With an expanded role
But Severus Snape as a black man is just too rife with harmful stereotypes.