drake ended common's career if we really peep
Uhm did you even watch the NBA All Star game?
Plus Common bodied Drake
He wasn’t involved in it too. That’s the crazy part. That was between Aubrey & Mandela.
He wasn’t involved in it too. That’s the crazy part. That was between Aubrey & Mandela.
Dude literally got beat up for keeping his mouth shut.
drake ended common's career if we really peep
It had nothing to do with Drake lol.
Common career was already in trouble after Electric Circus until he hooked up with Kanye on BE
The quality of his music after BE just hasn’t been on that level and he’s tried to recreate the same energy since then without Ye a handful of times
If it wasn’t for the BE era and Ye, Common career wouldn’t have catapulted to movies and where’s he at now. It resurrected his career to where he’s still relevant celebrity wise without music
The drake beef just showed that Drake was not to be underestimated.
Kanye ended Wiz with those tweets tbh
see you again has 4419589678 views at this very moment
drake ended common's career if we really peep
Not really common won an oscar and a grammy since their beef. His career is fine lol
Uhm did you even watch the NBA All Star game?
Plus Common bodied Drake
Stay Schemin > Commons Diss
Drake ended Meek's street credibility
even if meek lost the beef he hurt drake's rap credibility way worse than drake hurt meek's "street cred"
even if meek lost the beef he hurt drake's rap credibility way worse than drake hurt meek's "street cred"
Okay, black guy pointing gun to camera avi-having, white guy
see you again has 4419589678 views at this very moment
and it would have had the exact same amount of views or even more if literally any other rapper was on that song.
Kanye ended Wiz with those tweets tbh
this lowkey lmfao killed that man