  • Dec 15, 2020

    yep with a sucky ass prof

  • Dec 15, 2020

    There was this one class where I had a 100 in it going into the final and the class average was like a 50. The final was worth 20% of my grade so I said f*** it worst case scenario I get an 80 in the class and end up with a B+. Partied the night before the final and slept like 3 hours and got a 40 on the final and still got an A in the class. I worked hard the whole semester to be able to do that during the final tho

  • Dec 15, 2020

    I failed many midterms / finals and still passed the class

  • Dec 15, 2020

    Do yall finals count for s*** or something? Had a final today and that s*** counted for 70% or sumn

  • Dec 15, 2020

    yeah def. If your grade is good enough you can take a hit. But it depends how your professor weighs the final exam grade. Each professor is diff

  • Dec 15, 2020

    You’re insane!

    I was graduating like a week later lmfao

  • Dec 15, 2020
    1 reply

    Got a B- in a class I had an A in all quarter cuz I bombed the final. What can you do thi

  • Yes that's happened to me countless times back when I was a s*** student

    I feel like I still just bombed my final for a class tho

  • Dec 16, 2020

    Got a B- in a class I had an A in all quarter cuz I bombed the final. What can you do thi


  • Dec 16, 2020

    I don’t think so.

    I had a few college classes where I needed to pass the final to pass the class.

  • Dec 16, 2020
    Bo Ceephus

    Yeah. Especially in my last semester. I knew i was good so i answered one question and just left

    bold asf

  • Dec 16, 2020
    1 reply

    my nigga I just had a macroeconomics class. Had a 96 going into the final. Made a 53 on the final. S*** dropped my grade to an 83 smh...

  • Dec 16, 2020

    Just bombed my physic final and still passed the class

  • Dec 16, 2020

    Just took my Finals in Spanish (fucking hated that class) 30 minutes ago and knew in my mind that I most likely failed that s*** horribly. My grade currently stands at an A atm, did all the assignments, discussions, oral presentations, etc.

    Just wondering

    Got a 2:1 basically off the strength of my essays & presentations, I did HORRIBLE on my final exams tho so you should be alright tbh. May depend on how much % the final contributes to your final grade tho

  • Dec 16, 2020

    if you have an A (95%) and you fail your final (50%) your final grade will be 0.7(95) + 0.3(50) = 81.5% B- you should be ok

    F*** school seeing that pissed me off

  • Dec 16, 2020

    90% of my classes required me to pass the exams to pass the course

    Ive definitely bombed on somw exams but still managed to pass tho

  • Dec 16, 2020

    If you know the teacher and are on good terms with them it doesn't even matter op

  • Dec 16, 2020
    1 reply
    PARTY Gets Me Wetr

    I'll never forget, senior year. Geometry or something. My average was like a C before the final and it was worth 25%, so you know im stressing.I was the only one in there because I had to take mine after school.

    I was spending alot of time on each question just to make sure I was good.

    I guess he could see the look on my face that I was struggling. He walks up and whispers to me "the fact that you're here, you passed." He then tells me that he has to go to a teachers conference and just in case he isn't back when im done to just put everything on his desk. I christmas tree'd the f*** out of that scantron and dipped. I wrote him a note saying I love him and thank you and went home.

    Man, that was beautiful

    Bro what? Why didn’t you look up the answers and s*** to get a 100 and a much better grade?? That’s clearly what he meant for you to do lol

  • Dec 16, 2020

    Bruh one of my professors never put in my final exam grade should I be worried?

  • Dec 16, 2020

    Just went from a B+ to a questionable D or C

    Only way I pass is if my professor decides to give me the 5% for class participation, if she decides not to, then I fail

  • Dec 16, 2020


    F*** :/

    Its over.

  • when i took physics w calc 2 a couple years ago our professor sucked so much ass that i was failing going into the final, got a 70 on it and somehow got an A- for the class from the curve lol

  • Mustafa Singh

    Bro what? Why didn’t you look up the answers and s*** to get a 100 and a much better grade?? That’s clearly what he meant for you to do lol

    my gpa was too f***ed to even care about a high grade. At that point it was just about passing for me. Think I graduated with a 2.0

  • Dec 18, 2020
    1 reply

    my nigga I just had a macroeconomics class. Had a 96 going into the final. Made a 53 on the final. S*** dropped my grade to an 83 smh...

    So my professor added points to the exam so now I have an A for the course
    God came thru

  • Dec 18, 2020

    So my professor added points to the exam so now I have an A for the course
    God came thru