been microdosing since years. hair shiny, skin glowing and i feel much more happier and comfortable in my body
only issue is the breasts, but the hoes love playing with em like they stress balls
This like the second time ive seen you used this and its still funny
technically if you cut your balls off you'll stop balding
Castration stops the progression of male pattern baldness. However, hair regrowth – if it occurs at all – may be limited to hair that was lost shortly before castration.
Me personally I macrodose it
micro dose up till you start lactating then cut down. For optimal hair protection you want your nipples to be semi puffed up with no discharge.
What am I the transgender pokemon?
you're the only one I know that has an estrogen-related avy
The proper way to handle and compensate for hair loss as a man is to eventually shave it all off, grow a beard and become jacked.
Y’all niggas kill me, a bald head ain’t that f***ing bad 😂😂😂 Like why 99% of men can’t accept it lmfao
The proper way to handle and compensate for hair loss as a man is to eventually shave it all off, grow a beard and become jacked.
Lmfao literally this. Get jacked asf and get your body fat percentage down to accentuate your facial structure/jawline. Grow a nice beard. Dress nice. Learn to f*** good if you don’t already. Learn to be a charming engaging conversationalist.
Hair makes you look younger but hair isn’t everything.
I say that as someone with a full head of hair but I would pull regardless because of everything else I mentioned. Guys need to learn to max out whatever good things they do have offer because if you don’t unless you’re above average attractiveness naturally, you will not be as successful
I will say again @op rock that Lex Luthor & never look back. If you’re losing it, there is No point in spending money trying to grow it back, it’ll never look as good as if it were natural anyway! Do you really wanna end up like this guy? I’m not making jokes, it’s genuinely sad that ppl are so self conscious about being bald when in reality it looks GREAT
"being bald in reality looks great"
cope. young b****es love guys who have thick hair. being bald automatically makes you look 20+ years older.
"being bald in reality looks great"
cope. young b****es love guys who have thick hair. being bald automatically makes you look 20+ years older.
Thank you Black Smoke, very cool!
OP when he looks back to this thread in 1.5 years after accepting himself