It seems like Chance's music nowadays has devolved into making the safest raps possible and not offend anyone/say anything ever outlandish.
Doesn't feel like he's taking any risks or doing anything out of the ordinary. The Big Day sounds like music with a whole bunch of PR people in the studio saying "Yah, that's it man"
whats your thoughts
How was The Big Day safe in any way?
Yall just label particular artists some terms without even listening to the music
It’s been like that for a minute heidi slimane
Weirdly tho, he loves making experimental s*** when the result is trash
How was The Big Day safe in any way?
Yall just label particular artists some terms without even listening to the music
That album had zero artistic vision
That album had zero artistic vision
Thats false
It had a vision, it just didn’t execute it well
Thats false
It had a vision, it just didn’t execute it well
Okay zero artistic value
idk maybe dude settled a bit too quick into the married lifestyle but then again maybe he comes back with a better more concise body of work next year who knows
How was The Big Day safe in any way?
Yall just label particular artists some terms without even listening to the music
s*** is wack music and it doesn't bump around niggas, there's no great lyricism on the entire album
He just went the bob route. He can either reverse course or end up screaming the world is flat and that people hate you in social media
s*** is wack music and it doesn't bump around niggas, there's no great lyricism on the entire album
Are you black?
Nah im tangerine
Back on subject, the album is wack
Are you black tho fr?
kinda hard when you blow up off a tape talking about d**** and your next tape is a gospel one. you get two types of audiences so yeah he's f***ed if he keeps playing to the coloring book audience. i honestly think people gave up on chance after he won the grammy, felt like a good "the end" to his story lmao