he probably f***s it in private
he probably f***s it in private
like a grown man f***ing a tiger
white people lose their s*** over animals lmao
yea but only over like 3 animals
white people lose their s*** over animals lmao
i’m black and i‘d send that lil nigga to the gulag for hitting a cat
Bro with that other thread about him was right
he does seem like a mean person
tried to tell they ass
ok i'll be sure to practice my ktt skills this week
another stupid ass post and this wasn’t even the AI
another stupid ass post and this wasn’t even the AI
you take KTT too serious mf out here reviewing posts like fantano
just relax nerd
yea but only over like 3 animals
mfs eat a medium rare steak for dinner and come home and get mad at hasbulla for slapping a cat you can’t make this up
mfs eat a medium rare steak for dinner and come home and get mad at hasbulla for slapping a cat you can’t make this up
niggas be slapping they steak before they cook it too
Second tweet is f***ing wild
Didn’t he say how he loves animals and especially cats in some interview
Get his ass outta here
The people that actually care about Hasbulla don't care for this sort of stuff so he won't actually be cancelled.
He's just a kid I use to fight my cat at that age too. It doesn't make it ok but people gotta chill
He's just a kid I use to fight my cat at that age too. It doesn't make it ok but people gotta chill
20 years old ≠ kid