Story of my life man. Its really getting to me now. With this lockdown. Havent seen anyone in 3 months.
Anyone ever feel like this. I've been sober for 2 years now. I remember towards the end of my heavy alcohol use i would legit not even enjoy getting lit anymore, just could not stand being in my sober head. I was going good career wise so that kept me under the radar but i was not good at all. Like a bottle of wine by 7pm everyday type of beat.
I f***ed up yesterday and had wine. Lets just say the bottle is empty. Regretted it after like an hour. Life's been so difficult man. Just got temporary laid off last week, havent seen my girl in 3 months because her sister got cancer last month and i cant risk giving her covid. Shes only 30 Nd everytime i call my girl i can tell she's hurting and pretending to smile. I couldnt anymore.
Idk why i even wrote all of this. I dont really have anyone to tell this to atb2 am here
I know what you mean. I've haven't gone more than two week without smoking since 2014. I got one gram left in this zip and hopefully im done for good.
And I'm really sorry to hear about your girl's sister. I'm praying that everything ends up fine for them
hate being sober for the most part. I look forward to the next time I get to take some kpin or lorazepam cause then I dont feel anything
Getting high used to be fun but as I grew up I realised that I cant afford to have any dull moments
I need to be sharp and alert
Getting high used to be fun but as I grew up I realised that I cant afford to have any dull moments
I need to be sharp and alert
I realized this as well and thats why i got sober. I wish i could just be normal. All my friends just get lit whenever and wake up the next day and life's normal. It was so easy, this last month just killed me.
And I'm really sorry to hear about your girl's sister. I'm praying that everything ends up fine for them
Thank you man ❤
damn bro, sincerely hoping you get out of the rough patch your in, you seem to have a really good head on your shoulders though and are better than most by being self aware of the fact that you can't drink your problems away
sounds cliche, but what doesn't kill you truly does make you stronger 💪
I realized this as well and thats why i got sober. I wish i could just be normal. All my friends just get lit whenever and wake up the next day and life's normal. It was so easy, this last month just killed me.
I've failed multiple times tho and the reason I did was because I rushed things
you dont have to go cold turkey, slowly decrease your intake/consume when needed....and you'll eventualy reach your goal
when I stopped doing coke I drank alot, when I stopped drinking I smoked a quarter a day but fast forward one year later and I've been clean for more than I coul've hope for
My point is this: you have to go through the motions. dont fall in despair
"Hate Being High But Hate Being Sober" sound like a fire ass album
im working on it.
"Hate Being High But Hate Being Sober" sound like a fire ass album
Earl sweatshirt vibes
U need to figure out how to become comfortable in ur own skin
Getting high is not the answer
I feel you on that temporary laid off s*** I got hit with it about a week ago too I’m just hoping UI can help
cot dam that was fire
Haha yea i love making music man. I wish i had a studio, i would never leave lol.