  • I'm studying Business, it's a piss take of a degree but I'm failing it down to nothing more than a complete lack of interest and an inability to apply myself to do the work.

    I've been in a great mood over the past couple weeks, my exams finished and I could just forget about college for the Christmas break.

    My results are out at the end of the month and I am almost certain I failed.
    If I did, I won't be continuing with the degree.
    I probably failed a stupid logistics program based module, SAP logistics s*** that I just cannot wrap my head around.
    I hate college.

    I also tried an apprenticeship, I worked as an apprentice electrician, I found the work boring and I really just was not a fan of working in the freezing cold and pissing rain.

    I don't know where that leaves me..
    What else can I do?

    I have zero intentions of just working a dead end job for the rest of my life.

  • Jan 13, 2021
    2 replies

    take a couple of gap years

  • Jan 13, 2021
    1 reply

    I'm studying Business, it's a piss take of a degree but I'm failing it down to nothing more than a complete lack of interest and an inability to apply myself to do the work.

    I've been in a great mood over the past couple weeks, my exams finished and I could just forget about college for the Christmas break.

    My results are out at the end of the month and I am almost certain I failed.
    If I did, I won't be continuing with the degree.
    I probably failed a stupid logistics program based module, SAP logistics s*** that I just cannot wrap my head around.
    I hate college.

    I also tried an apprenticeship, I worked as an apprentice electrician, I found the work boring and I really just was not a fan of working in the freezing cold and pissing rain.

    I don't know where that leaves me..
    What else can I do?

    I have zero intentions of just working a dead end job for the rest of my life.

    Switch majors, grind it out, or take a break to find what you wanna do. Those are your options really.

    And don’t hate on business if you you know how to finesse it it can take you far.

  • Jan 13, 2021

    how far into college are you?

  • Jan 13, 2021

    Find a way to make money and become the best you can at it OP and grind that while you finish out your degree

  • Jan 13, 2021

    If you’re under 30 you have nothing to worry about everything will turn out how it’s supposed to, just consistently seek your calling by exploring topics that interest you and figure out what kinds of careers that that field can offer you

  • Jan 13, 2021
    2 replies

    don’t go to college for something you don’t absolutely love

  • Jan 13, 2021

    switch into a communications major if you can since that’s applicable to almost anywhere if you still want to pursue a degree. if not, get out asap and explore your interests through job market or at least get your foot in the door with a job so you can earn income and figure everything else out

  • Jan 13, 2021
    MVP Pinhead

    don’t go to college for something you don’t absolutely love

    wildly disagree

    if you can find a way to afford college without going into huge debt you should go and you should grind it out

    if you have a college degree you are in a massively better position to live a better life and have upwards mobility
    the attitude of college being something that just isn't right for people who dont love it and find it amazing is stupid. college is hard and its work and youre doing it get the payoff not necessarily because youre gonna love every second

  • Jan 13, 2021

    ...I mean if you’re not interested in business major in something else.

    Or if college isn’t for you period than drop out

  • Jan 13, 2021
    2 replies

    Better pick up a trade.

  • Jan 13, 2021
    1 reply

    I'm on the same as you, My attention spam really f***ed lol.

  • Jan 13, 2021
    MVP Pinhead

    don’t go to college for something you don’t absolutely love

    also: dont go to college for something you absolutely love, you might end up hating it.

  • Jan 13, 2021
    2 replies

    I'm on the same as you, My attention spam really f***ed lol.

    My attention span is insanely good if it's something I'm interested in, but give me something I don't care for and it'll never get done.

  • Jan 13, 2021
    codeine crazy

    take a couple of gap years

    I'd honestly rather not, maybe it's not but it just seems to me like a waste of time..

  • Jan 13, 2021
    1 reply

    Switch majors, grind it out, or take a break to find what you wanna do. Those are your options really.

    And don’t hate on business if you you know how to finesse it it can take you far.

    Unfortunately we can't just switch majors here (unless it's into a very similar degree).
    So I'd have to drop out and reapply, I might get some exemptions but it would still be 4 years of college all over again.

    Say if I wanted to study Digital Marketing (I don't), I would start over from first year but because 90% of our course/major content is similar I would only need to study the other 10%, so I could have 1 module worth of work + a test, but I don't get an exemption and I still have to complete that year of work independently, I can't just do that as a second year.

    I don't hate business, I hate business degrees.

  • Jan 13, 2021

    My attention span is insanely good if it's something I'm interested in, but give me something I don't care for and it'll never get done.

    That's exactly how f***ed attention spans work, I hate to break this to you but you're just another serotonin junkie in denial.

  • Jan 13, 2021
    1 reply

    Better pick up a trade.

    That's what I'm thinking but I really don't have a clue what to do.
    I'm thinking Heavy Vehicle Mechanic/Diesel Mechanic, so a mechanic for buses and commercial trucks but I don't really know much about it..

  • Jan 13, 2021
    1 reply

    bro just loaft

    i passed my business degree with a 2.0 and all i did was sh*tpost on ktt-ktt2 and play league of legends

  • Jan 13, 2021
    1 reply

    Maybe u could find something else that doesn't require college

  • Jan 13, 2021
    1 reply
    im protesting

    bro just loaft

    i passed my business degree with a 2.0 and all i did was sh*tpost on ktt-ktt2 and play league of legends

    Living the dream.

    My problem is that when something comes up thats difficult I cannot do it.

    I got 90% in a marketing exam and 70% average in the others, but last semester I barely passed a stupid excel module..

    If I don't like it I can't do it, if it's a physical job I don't enjoy I can do it but sitting at a desk doing something i don't enjoy is a no go.

  • Jan 13, 2021
    stream evangelion

    Maybe u could find something else that doesn't require college

    Gotta be a trade then...

  • Jan 13, 2021

    Take one semester off. Just one. Work a little, live a little. Meet people and just breath. Enjoy sleeping.

    Then come back and evaluate the intensity of your work load. Start dropping things that bring dread onto you, know what I mean? Do what you can handle first.

  • Jan 13, 2021

    college sucks

  • I understand OP. Really wish you would hang in there though.