  • This s*** spread so fast already got memes going

  • Overhead some guys at my job talkin bout this. This dudes like “So they found a tunnel built by these Jews, illegally of course…”

  • Jan 10
    5 replies

    Tbh until literally a couple days ago I would’ve thought you were a bit hysterical if you said antisemitism was a serious issue in today’s America, but the reactions to this are making me think you have a point… like this should just be a funny thing that happened

  • Jan 10
    2 replies

    Tbh until literally a couple days ago I would’ve thought you were a bit hysterical if you said antisemitism was a serious issue in today’s America, but the reactions to this are making me think you have a point… like this should just be a funny thing that happened

    if they found a tunnel network from a mosque or cathedral they'd shut the city down. Don't understand why this one demographic is immune to criticism of any kind no matter how legitimate

  • Jan 11
    3 replies
    Jesus Christ Stan

    if they found a tunnel network from a mosque or cathedral they'd shut the city down. Don't understand why this one demographic is immune to criticism of any kind no matter how legitimate

    What is the criticism? Some Hasidic youths built a tunnel? Not a big deal, and it wouldn’t be if Muslims or Irish Catholics did either, and if there were people overreacting in that scenario, they would be called “Islamophobic” or something… and much of American society rests on, perhaps the fiction, that in fact every demographic is, or should be, immune from criticism as a demographic

  • Ronin

    What is the criticism? Some Hasidic youths built a tunnel? Not a big deal, and it wouldn’t be if Muslims or Irish Catholics did either, and if there were people overreacting in that scenario, they would be called “Islamophobic” or something… and much of American society rests on, perhaps the fiction, that in fact every demographic is, or should be, immune from criticism as a demographic

    if you believe some hasidic youths built an underground tunnel in the busiest city on earth then there' no point in talking to you

  • Jan 11
    1 reply

    Just arriving to this thread and very loosely know any actual facts other than news clips on social media. Heard they founds beds with blood stains on them and it's being told that people were raped in there? Any truth to this s*** and what is actually going?

  • Jan 11
    1 reply

    The replies from all the banned accounts? or the ones being quoted to oblivion with people vehemently defending the tunnels?

  • Jan 11
    1 reply
    Hakiman Nayuta

    Dudes had a tunnel leading to the womens bathhouse like some evil hentai plot line


  • Jan 11
    1 reply
    Jesus Christ Stan

    The replies from all the banned accounts? or the ones being quoted to oblivion with people vehemently defending the tunnels?

    There's literally no banned accounts in here

  • Faith


    It's actually worse, new reports are saying it led to a kids museum

  • Jan 11
    1 reply

    There's literally no banned accounts in here

    Ok so if criticism is not an issue why are you up and down this thread fuming mad about it?

  • 2024 kick off and everybody asking the same questions as actual Nazis

  • Jan 11
    1 reply

    off topic but it’s kinda crazy how much people hate jewish people cause like….why?

  • honestly if you have to shimmy out of a hole it’s probably not for a good reason

    If you have to shimmy out of anything for that matter but especially a hole

  • Jan 11
    1 reply
  • Czy 🏴
    Jan 11

    off topic but it’s kinda crazy how much people hate jewish people cause like….why?

  • Jan 11

    Ah yes, the group of people who pay Mexican day laborers to dress up like Hasids and protest gay pride on the Sabbath. The group of people that have exceptional, absurd laws and ordinances that allow them to legally suck on a baby's p****. The group of people who infamously abuse their children and women, prevent them from seeking professional medical care, and have entire neighborhoods join in to legally beat them senseless in public if they express feelings of leaving the orthodox community.

    They need all of our sympathy and protection for sure.

    nobody giving them sympathy lol nobody in nyc fw hasidic jews except hasidic jews. other jews don't even fw them. idk how many times I gotta explain that to ya'll

    all I did is explain why they'd do this. they constantly break the rules and just do whatever the hell they want do I'm not surprised they did some s*** like this

  • They have a clubhouse down there?


    Just arriving to this thread and very loosely know any actual facts other than news clips on social media. Heard they founds beds with blood stains on them and it's being told that people were raped in there? Any truth to this s*** and what is actually going?

    Totally speculative at this point

  • Wow those Jews sure are sneaky!

    I mean, those specific Jews, not like all Jews. Of course.

  • Jan 11
    1 reply
    Smacked Voodoo

    Well they are Jewish people who have been digging tunnels underneath their synagogues. Which can impact the structural integrity of surrounding buildings.

    The other stuff that has been discovered within the tunnels however, is causing people to speculate that the tunnels are potentially being used for nasty s***. Leading to people to logically question if they are being used for SA or child trafficking, based on previous reports of child sexual assault and abuse that has become rampant within Brooklyn Jewish communities over the past 3-5 years.

    Much like the Catholic church, Jewish temples/synagogues unfortunately have a very nasty and reported history of child sexual abuse and pedophilia. So something like this is pretty serious, and is why the mayor of NYC, Eric Adams, has launched an investigation into the tunnels under the synagogue.

    Good God this is much worse than I thought it was.

    Heard it was originally just some tunnels used during the covid era.
