No street fights im pretty good at deescalating s*** or walking away from dumb s***
Had some kickboxing matches and I’ve had a decent amount of hard spars that was basically just fights lol
havent had one tho since like 2017/2018 few years after high school (class of 2014) with some nigga at a club trippin, i won
i would get into a fight every few years since elementary till young adulthood
edit: most of them i didnt start
Yes and I will never forget how a friend of mine smashed a bottle of Wodka on some d***ged guys head and probably saved us with this. There were a few punches right after but it was actually over before it began.
I was also once beaten up by two people after the club. I somehow lost my balance and had to crouch down until someone came to my help and chased them away. I don't know how long they would have kept hitting me, but in the end I got away without a real scratch because I always protected my face and head.
*both times because of girls…
Unavoidable in my environment.
Took Ws, took Ls, took bad Ls.
Facts tho
Look at how most people even swing
Just look at the average person's body build lmfao
Like I did topsport in high school, like an elite selection of the best football players in the country
So all I saw was basically athletically fit guys, which distorted my reality
Cause when I look on da streets, 99% of da ppl just aren't physically fit at all or even seemingly built for sports
Let's not talk about reaction time, being able to chew pain, being able to stay focused, adrenaline control etc
Like people tell me this often;
People prolly don't fight u quickly cause u are tall and build like an athlete
So no most ppl have prolly never really fought before tbh
All talk, to look like a macho
Am telling,u I even know pro boxers/mma players etc
Dem niggas don't brag about they s*** either, they always look as calm as the dust settling in a room, ya won't even notice them
Until it's time, no talk nor bark just action
everything here is facts tho. when you train and s*** you start seeing s*** like how niggas be telegraphing their strikes, swinging wide, piss poor cardio and breathing, etc. it's darkly funny
I stood up to a bully lol but it wasn’t really a fight
Punched him once in the face…made him bleed a lil and I guess he was too shocked to do anything
Never bothered me again
I was terrified the rest of the school year…I thought he was gonna beat my ass…but he never even spoke to me again
everything here is facts tho. when you train and s*** you start seeing s*** like how niggas be telegraphing their strikes, swinging wide, piss poor cardio and breathing, etc. it's darkly funny
They come at you with them wide ass bar fight swings
One body shot to the liver and they're good for a decade
There was this kid in 3rd grade who fought with everyone. One day him and I got into it after school. The next day, the teacher asked the class if they saw what happened and this girl said he started it. He got mad af and shouted "You know what, you gonna die one day! ". Whole class burst out laughing like Duh nigga
I think he won the fight though. My ear was HURTING
Even to this day I can’t stand Chaldeans…Arabs in general. I had beef with them in HS and they were always stuck up and annoying and dumb too.
it’s really ironic because I love Mediterranean and Lebanese food. Outside of that…🚮
Hate me idc 🤷🏾
Theyre not arabs but cool
Facts tho
Look at how most people even swing
Just look at the average person's body build lmfao
Like I did topsport in high school, like an elite selection of the best football players in the country
So all I saw was basically athletically fit guys, which distorted my reality
Cause when I look on da streets, 99% of da ppl just aren't physically fit at all or even seemingly built for sports
Let's not talk about reaction time, being able to chew pain, being able to stay focused, adrenaline control etc
Like people tell me this often;
People prolly don't fight u quickly cause u are tall and build like an athlete
So no most ppl have prolly never really fought before tbh
All talk, to look like a macho
Am telling,u I even know pro boxers/mma players etc
Dem niggas don't brag about they s*** either, they always look as calm as the dust settling in a room, ya won't even notice them
Until it's time, no talk nor bark just action
It be mfs that come from harshest families and looking calm that would kill you on sight with their hands if you start getting at them
It be mfs that come from harshest families and looking calm that would kill you on sight with their hands if you start getting at them
Facts man
Usually da folks they ain't about that be barking the loudest and s***, usually they operate in groups too
But like in general in life, noticing folks who really been through it already vs people that been comfy they whole life, totally diff perspectives on everything
I think their pain/stress barrier very adapted which makes dem calmer
Like I once saved someone's life, ever since that I've been ridiculously calm in dangerous or sketchy situations, cause I've already operated under very highly stressing pressure
Cause ngl adrenaline for example, it make u do things in certain situations you'd have never known and when u control this "zone" better, it's like a controlled free flow of mind, where u just do but still know what u do, very instinctive