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  • Jul 14, 2021
    2 replies
    Dat nigga Ace

    It’s also interesting that men love lesbian p*** but women are disgusted by gay p***

    women don't like most p*** as most of it geared towards men (just shots of sex, no erotica)

    Other mediums heavily consumed by women are filled with homo-erotica (fan fiction, erotic novels etc)

    I mean don't you remember when teenage girl fans wanted one direction to be gay and made fan art for their inter group gay couples ???

    This happens with alot of boybands for some reason and we know who majority of those fans are.... Young Girls/young women.

  • Jul 14, 2021

    ofc they put lebron in fortnite

  • Jul 14, 2021

    wow women can be guilty of the same s*** that men do sometimes holy s***

    it’s almost like women are people too

  • Jul 14, 2021

    women don't like most p*** as most of it geared towards men (just shots of sex, no erotica)

    Other mediums heavily consumed by women are filled with homo-erotica (fan fiction, erotic novels etc)

    I mean don't you remember when teenage girl fans wanted one direction to be gay and made fan art for their inter group gay couples ???


    This happens with alot of boybands for some reason and we know who majority of those fans are.... Young Girls/young women.


  • Jul 14, 2021

    The flipside of living in a patriarchal society is that men become the face of society's ills even if they aren't the only ones perpetrating them. The male relationship with queerness, and of course sexism, has been given greater scrutiny because of men's role in exacerbating those problems.

    At some point women may be called out for sexism and homophobia with a frequency equivalent to men, but that is unlikely with things as they are.

  • Jul 14, 2021
    1 reply
    A Mad Ass Nigga

    Like today I seen a couple shorties say a nigga is gay for saying once you stop thinking about s***all the time you’ll realize a lot of women aren’t interesting as people. And mfs found that funny. They kinda get a pass for some reason.

    Dam I know dem janks was tight. S*** struck a nerve lmao

  • rayray

    Dam I know dem janks was tight. S*** struck a nerve lmao

    Facts its not like there’s no truth to it. A lot of women actually have no substance to them. Yeah they look good, but when you’re trying to hold a serious convo or when it’s time to get deep they don’t have the range. After a certain point it’s go take more than looks and p**** to keep a nigga interested.

  • Jul 14, 2021
    1 reply

    Damn u were riding hard af for women what happen finally took them off a pedestal and realized they are are flawed beings like the rest of us?

  • Jul 14, 2021
    1 reply

    women don't like most p*** as most of it geared towards men (just shots of sex, no erotica)

    Other mediums heavily consumed by women are filled with homo-erotica (fan fiction, erotic novels etc)

    I mean don't you remember when teenage girl fans wanted one direction to be gay and made fan art for their inter group gay couples ???


    This happens with alot of boybands for some reason and we know who majority of those fans are.... Young Girls/young women.

    Nah I know a lot of women that enjoy p*** even lesbian p*** but not gay p***. And I don't know anything about that one direction s*** lol. I imagine it was a certain group of women doing that

  • Jul 14, 2021
    1 reply

    Damn u were riding hard af for women what happen finally took them off a pedestal and realized they are are flawed beings like the rest of us?

    Not being sexist equals "riding hard for women" in your eyes. F*** up little boy.

  • Jul 14, 2021

    wow women can be guilty of the same s*** that men do sometimes holy s***

    it’s almost like women are people too

    I see what you’re saying (every group of people has all types of people) but what id assume Op Is getting at is that the same crowd of women on social media who will grab pitchforks for a nigga or rapper for having problematic views on LGBTQ stuff also weaponize homosexuality as an insult when it comes to say a dude wanting to hang out with his friends more than she likes Or saying some s*** like he don’t like makeup etc

    Of course we can always remember women no do bad and strawman and ask why OP even gives a f*** about this lmaoo

  • Fargo

    Not being sexist equals "riding hard for women" in your eyes. F*** up little boy.

    Lol I ain’t mad at u kid u just growing up and discovering how s*** work you’ll appreciate good ol peaceful harmony in about 3-4 years

  • Jul 14, 2021
    1 reply
    Dat nigga Ace

    Nah I know a lot of women that enjoy p*** even lesbian p*** but not gay p***. And I don't know anything about that one direction s*** lol. I imagine it was a certain group of women doing that

    "One direction thing"
    One direction is one of the most famous/successful boybands ever - they toured the world, where mainstream and this behavior from teenage girl is almost expected when with superstars like this - it's not a niche or "certain group of women" when it unfolds in such large ways across the globe and it's a recurring theme amongst teenage fans of boybands

    Btw even if it's not the majority partaking in this - there is no homophobic backlash to it (afaik)

    The women you know who like p*** but not gay p*** - that's an anecdote

    ultimately women being turned off by p*** at large isn't an anecdote - it's reflected in viewership

    Mainstream Lesbian p*** is targeted towards men as well at large

    If the p*** industry cared about making women comfortable watching, they'd watch more and I'm sure they would tune in to gay p*** if was catered to their taste and needs the same way lesbian p*** is catered towards men

  • Jul 14, 2021

    "One direction thing"
    One direction is one of the most famous/successful boybands ever - they toured the world, where mainstream and this behavior from teenage girl is almost expected when with superstars like this - it's not a niche or "certain group of women" when it unfolds in such large ways across the globe and it's a recurring theme amongst teenage fans of boybands

    Btw even if it's not the majority partaking in this - there is no homophobic backlash to it (afaik)

    The women you know who like p*** but not gay p*** - that's an anecdote

    ultimately women being turned off by p*** at large isn't an anecdote - it's reflected in viewership

    Mainstream Lesbian p*** is targeted towards men as well at large

    If the p*** industry cared about making women comfortable watching, they'd watch more and I'm sure they would tune in to gay p*** if was catered to their taste and needs the same way lesbian p*** is catered towards men

    What percentage of the world’s women were making gay fan fictions about one direction tho? I think we can agree it’s a pretty small percentage right?

    And yes generally women arent turned on by p***. But there’s a difference between not enjoying something and being flat out disgusted by it. Im not even talking about p*** itself, women are disgusted by the idea of 2 men f***ing each other

  • Jul 14, 2021

    The only thing i have noticed is that woman are often extremely sexy

  • PIMP 💿
    Jul 14, 2021
    A Mad Ass Nigga

    Like today I seen a couple shorties say a nigga is gay for saying once you stop thinking about s***all the time you’ll realize a lot of women aren’t interesting as people. And mfs found that funny. They kinda get a pass for some reason.

    It's true too they don't be having hobbies like that 😂 it's funny

  • Jul 14, 2021
    A Mad Ass Nigga

    Tbh women do get away with a lot homophobic comments. Shorties can call you gay for the smallest reasons but let a nigga say some and it’s ww3 n s***

    Yeah it's their go to when somebody doesnt want em

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