Every day for 7 years now
Good lord I am 4 years in and took a year break. it helps with crime scenes and protest. Normal cigarettes dont hit the same because I chain smoke them. I do black and mild rewards too
no comment.
If a woman asked me to smoke a black with her I would be terrified
I am going to quit because I am falling for someone and I dont want them to see me like that
Black and Mild brings out the darkest inner Nigga in me especially as someone who quit Henny and alcohol
If a woman asked me to smoke a black with her I would be terrified
she broke me
she broke me
damn gang. Yeah I have a crush and I am quitting will just be weed and shrooms
Right of passage in the hood to start buying them from your corner store @ 13
getting that handful of change together. yuck
damn gang. Yeah I have a crush and I am quitting will just be weed and shrooms
Tryna moderate my weed usage to strictly bed time/weekends. really need to.
Tryna moderate my weed usage to strictly bed time/weekends. really need to.
Helps me to smoke on wake up but not lazy weed so much as thinking weed . I havent smoked in a while consistently. I was really high when a friend faked their death and the trauma of it is why I began to focus on black and milds
also I cant smoke weed at a protest there is too much going on
Good lord I am 4 years in and took a year break. it helps with crime scenes and protest. Normal cigarettes dont hit the same because I chain smoke them. I do black and mild rewards too
This is insane
This is insane
I have gotten multiple speakers and more
you get a code with each 5 pack. I figure if I get cancer thats good because this is my form of slitting my wrist and if I get cancer and die I wont have to be on Earth with many that lack empathy
I sometimes randomly have coughing fits but I have no intention of stopping. Sometimes I smoke so many of them that I burn my taste buds and cant taste ( one instance of this during pandemic lead to me thinking I had covid I got tested and did not)
As a person with autism my stimming is a black and mild. I use it and get in zone and lock in
Who hasn’t when they were 14-15
only pack them with greens nowadays
gotta remove the cancer paper tho
I need the cancer because I am tired of humanity
I remember being a teenager and niggas passing that s*** around like a blunt. All I did was hand it off, I ain't smoking that s*** man 😂
I remember being a teenager and niggas passing that s*** around like a blunt. All I did was hand it off, I ain't smoking that s*** man 😂
Thats good please never start smoking Tobacco
I only smoke Swisher Sweets
random acts of flyness better
how it feels to smoke a black and mild for breakfast while seeing sunrise
Gohan with the orange gi clean af
Can't believe they didn't include this in Sparking Zero
And wtf, your friend faked their death? Like a prank?
Not often but if I'm drinking and fiending to smoke getting a single black and mild a gr8 way to avoid buying a whole pack of cigarettes i initially wouldn't wanna smoke and would inevitably get into the habit of smoking
Gohan with the orange gi clean af
Can't believe they didn't include this in Sparking Zero
And wtf, your friend faked their death? Like a prank?
yeah she wanted her ex to be obssessed with her. He calls me crying "____ is dead you texted it to me from her phone"
told that nigga "if she was dead I would call you even if yall were both physical with each other gang and I dont even love you like that but that s*** serious"
she picked up on the third ring saying "go with it"
I finally dropped her fully this year and told her parents that she needs help
she on some Gone Girl
used to smoke them here and there as a young’n then when i started to smoke cigarettes i had one again and it tasted like dookie. Wine flavored wood tip or jazz tho! no plastic!
From close to Baltimore and it's pretty much a staple here. I used to smoke them maybe once or twice a week at the most but I dont really fw nic anymore so I only have them on occasion