In a BULLSHIT online work meeting rn... share your stories fellow workers
In Bullshit Jobs, American anthropologist David Graeber posits that the productivity benefits of automation have not led to a 15-hour workweek, as predicted by economist John Maynard Keynes in 1930, but instead to "bullshit jobs": "a form of paid employment that is so completely pointless, unnecessary, or pernicious that even the employee cannot justify its existence even though, as part of the conditions of employment, the employee feels obliged to pretend that this is not the case."1 While these jobs can offer good compensation and ample free time, Graeber holds that the pointlessness of the work grates at their humanity and creates a "profound psychological violence".1
I need one of these, imagine getting paid for doing nothing and having enough free time to pursue your real goals/passions
In a BULLSHIT online work meeting rn... share your stories fellow workers
In Bullshit Jobs, American anthropologist David Graeber posits that the productivity benefits of automation have not led to a 15-hour workweek, as predicted by economist John Maynard Keynes in 1930, but instead to "bullshit jobs": "a form of paid employment that is so completely pointless, unnecessary, or pernicious that even the employee cannot justify its existence even though, as part of the conditions of employment, the employee feels obliged to pretend that this is not the case."1 While these jobs can offer good compensation and ample free time, Graeber holds that the pointlessness of the work grates at their humanity and creates a "profound psychological violence".1
I had this job where I came in 1h late, did a 2h lunch break, left 1h early and the 4h I did stay in the office I read online stuff for 3h
I had a room far away from everyone so nobody checked on me
My first internship I was just putting numbers into an excel sheet and then checking to see if there’s a variance. Or building out a random spreadsheet my manager asked me for.
Only 2 hours of actual work a day if that
I need one of these, imagine getting paid for doing nothing and having enough free time to pursue your real goals/passions
thing is u still gotta be there to pretend to work, or you're actually doing work but it's just useless work
I need one of these, imagine getting paid for doing nothing and having enough free time to pursue your real goals/passions
there's nothing enjoyable about being at work doing nothing, believe me. i thought being paid to do minimal work was the dream but it is soul sucking and mind numbing.
yeah I used to test applications in development but those tests would be finished weeks before a new patch/version released, so I had to pretend a lot and couldn't work remotely
I need one of these, imagine getting paid for doing nothing and having enough free time to pursue your real goals/passions
This only works if its remote work,
Otherwise most of the time you’ll still need to be there for your full time hrs to get paid like that.
My first web dev internship was something like this. Maybe did 15-20 actual work hours a week, but was paid hourly, so id ask my boss for a new task, then sometimes sit at my desk for 2 days waiting till he gav me something
My job rn. Easily one of the cushiest jobs in the military but so much time wasted. Thank god i started school.
I interned at a company whose whole purpose was to justify mega corporations’ market research departments’ budget and existence by selling “empathetic insights”– essentially fortune cookie sayings or vague horoscopes about the clients customer base.
40+ person staff basically contributing nothing to the world but living comfortably off of p&g, Pfizer, Scripps, 3m etc I actually respected it a little.
My last job I was doing data entry work for a company that hired too many people, but not enough work to go around. So I would just spend my whole shift in bed until they ended my contact.
I interned at a company whose whole purpose was to justify mega corporations’ market research departments’ budget and existence by selling “empathetic insights”– essentially fortune cookie sayings or vague horoscopes about the clients customer base.
40+ person staff basically contributing nothing to the world but living comfortably off of p&g, Pfizer, Scripps, 3m etc I actually respected it a little.
This me rn
Not "pointless" per se, but so little work and so easy to complete I feel like I'm just sitting here wasting time, but the pay is decent and get plenty of free time to peruse my own interests (shitpost on KTT)
This me rn
Not "pointless" per se, but so little work and so easy to complete I feel like I'm just sitting here wasting time, but the pay is decent and get plenty of free time to peruse my own interests (shitpost on KTT)
basically same plus yeah it's like a 10 hour a week job at max but at least at the end of the day it's a bullshit job that does good for people and isn't just some retail s***
basically same plus yeah it's like a 10 hour a week job at max but at least at the end of the day it's a bullshit job that does good for people and isn't just some retail s***
What u do?
This is my job right now
I use that extra time to s***post on ktt2
What u do?
'Data Program Manager' at a homeless shelter.
Glorified data entry. Got my own office in the corner of a quiet building on site and its just mega chill. Everyone thinks I work all kinds but nah ion do much at all but it's an easy job to do well so yeah
In a BULLSHIT online work meeting rn... share your stories fellow workers
In Bullshit Jobs, American anthropologist David Graeber posits that the productivity benefits of automation have not led to a 15-hour workweek, as predicted by economist John Maynard Keynes in 1930, but instead to "bullshit jobs": "a form of paid employment that is so completely pointless, unnecessary, or pernicious that even the employee cannot justify its existence even though, as part of the conditions of employment, the employee feels obliged to pretend that this is not the case."1 While these jobs can offer good compensation and ample free time, Graeber holds that the pointlessness of the work grates at their humanity and creates a "profound psychological violence".1
What you doing atm?
'Data Program Manager' at a homeless shelter.
Glorified data entry. Got my own office in the corner of a quiet building on site and its just mega chill. Everyone thinks I work all kinds but nah ion do much at all but it's an easy job to do well so yeah
This only works if its remote work,
Otherwise most of the time you’ll still need to be there for your full time hrs to get paid like that.
My first web dev internship was something like this. Maybe did 15-20 actual work hours a week, but was paid hourly, so id ask my boss for a new task, then sometimes sit at my desk for 2 days waiting till he gav me something
I feel like you could still make it work if people aren’t checking up on you constantly at the workplace