I know I saw a lot of people complaining that it didn't make sense that Aemond couldn't control Vhagar
But the way I see it...Vhagar is a old and cranky dragon who has fought in wars. She is probably easy to piss off, and she doesn't f*** around with being disrespected lol.
Not to mention Aemond isnt her original rider so she probably isn't as obedient for him
And Luke couldn't control Arrax either lol. He never intended to have Arrax shoot fire at Vhagar
are you saying you care about the rapist
he’s certainly more entertaining than any of rhaenyra’s kids
better actor too
he’s certainly more entertaining than any of rhaenyra’s kids
better actor too
im sorry but the dragons are the least entertaining part of the show
crazy you guys all on a first name basis with em but I guess youre nerds that read the books
idk if i care for them making rhaenyra a slave to propehcy and having it seem like the war truly only started because daemon is a hothead
man what lol
A Baratheon being unable to read makes alot of sense lol
yea wtf was up with this? how does a lord not know how to read (if that's true)?
That was a great episode, but I thought they'd do something else as the closing scene...oh well
he’s certainly more entertaining than any of rhaenyra’s kids
better actor too
easy to root against yes, entertaining, i wouldn't say that at all
aemond the only one of these kids that are interesting
yea wtf was up with this? how does a lord not know how to read (if that's true)?
I meant that legitimately, the Baratheons seem to have value in ways that have nothing to do with their intelligence tbh
but thats just based on Robert being a dunce lmao
Team Green already got their caskets laid out, Queen Rhay not for the play play anymore
yea wtf was up with this? how does a lord not know how to read (if that's true)?
they're like a clan of meatheads that value strength or fighting ability over intellect is what i took from it
First things first rip Luke
first things first f*** your dragon and the queen you claim
I know I saw a lot of people complaining that it didn't make sense that Aemond couldn't control Vhagar
But the way I see it...Vhagar is a old and cranky dragon who has fought in wars. She is probably easy to piss off, and she doesn't f*** around with being disrespected lol.
Not to mention Aemond isnt her original rider so she probably isn't as obedient for him
also the only pov chapter we have of someone actually riding a dragon with dany and drogon it’s made very clear that she cannot control him. he flies where he wants, eats what he wants and straight up leaves dany stranded when he wants. she says it herself "a dragon is no slave".
also the only pov chapter we have of someone actually riding a dragon with dany and drogon it’s made very clear that she cannot control him. he flies where he wants, eats what he wants and straight up leaves dany stranded when he wants. she says it herself "a dragon is no slave".