HBO | GoT’s | House of The Dragons (2022) | EVERY SUNDAY

  • Oct 24, 2022
    1 reply

    Dont know if this has been posted but thought it was cool. From reddit, a translation of the song Daemon was singing to Vermithor.

    Drakari pykiros

    Tīkummo jemiros

    Yn lantyz bartossa

    Saelot vāedis

    Hen ñuhā elēnī:

    Perzyssy vestretis

    Se gēlȳn irūdaks


    Perzyro udrȳssi

    Ezīmptos laehossi

    Hārossa letagon

    Aōt vāedan

    Hae mērot gierūli:

    Se hāros bartossi

    Prūmȳsa sōvīli

    Gevī dāerī

    Translation :

    Fire breather

    Winged leader

    But two heads

    To a third sing

    From my voice:

    The fires have spoken

    And the price has been paid

    With blood magic

    With words of flame

    With clear eyes

    To bind the three

    To you I sing

    As one we gather

    And with three heads

    We shall fly as we were destined

    Beautifully, freely

  • Oct 24, 2022
    1 reply
    Don Whoreleone

    Dont know if this has been posted but thought it was cool. From reddit, a translation of the song Daemon was singing to Vermithor.

    Drakari pykiros

    Tīkummo jemiros

    Yn lantyz bartossa

    Saelot vāedis

    Hen ñuhā elēnī:

    Perzyssy vestretis

    Se gēlȳn irūdaks


    Perzyro udrȳssi

    Ezīmptos laehossi

    Hārossa letagon

    Aōt vāedan

    Hae mērot gierūli:

    Se hāros bartossi

    Prūmȳsa sōvīli

    Gevī dāerī

    Translation :

    Fire breather

    Winged leader

    But two heads

    To a third sing

    From my voice:

    The fires have spoken

    And the price has been paid

    With blood magic

    With words of flame

    With clear eyes

    To bind the three

    To you I sing

    As one we gather

    And with three heads

    We shall fly as we were destined

    Beautifully, freely

    Is this man about to pull a lizard Aegon the conqueror and take on two dragons?

  • Oct 24, 2022

    Still can’t believe this mf lost like 3 family members and a dragon in one episode lmao

    This world sucks to live in

  • Oct 24, 2022

    What are nerds and virgins mad about? I liked that ending

    they’re literally just mad that ppl liked it. No other reason

  • Oct 24, 2022
    1 reply

    The dragon just chomping that mf like a hamburger is prolly the most blunt way to die I’ve seen in TV in a minute

    Ain’t no chance to fight back no retaliation no nothing. S*** was cold

  • Oct 24, 2022

    Is this man about to pull a lizard Aegon the conqueror and take on two dragons?

    Some kind of ritual to bind himself to 2 dragons? This should be impossible tho according to the lore but knowing that the Valyrians of old were heavy into blood magic and the like maybe it could happen (?)

  • Oct 24, 2022
    1 reply

    Didn't think this was like 10/10 amazing but now that they've set it all up next season should be crazy. I don't think this has the depth that GoT had (mostly because a lot of the secondary characters don't get developed anywhere near as much) but I understand they have less material to work with than they did with Thrones.

  • Oct 24, 2022
    1 reply

    Can someone confirm for me if Vermithor gets a rider during the Dance.

  • Oct 24, 2022
    1 reply
    Don Whoreleone

    Can someone confirm for me if Vermithor gets a rider during the Dance.

    He does. His rider is Hugh Hammer, a blacksmith on Dragonstone who’s a Targaryen b\*\*\*\*\*\*. Will most likely be introduced next season.

  • Oct 24, 2022
    Glitter Boy

    Didn't think this was like 10/10 amazing but now that they've set it all up next season should be crazy. I don't think this has the depth that GoT had (mostly because a lot of the secondary characters don't get developed anywhere near as much) but I understand they have less material to work with than they did with Thrones.

    They have less material plus, from what I can tell, a lot of it is front loaded. It seems like there’s alot that occurs in the beginning of the story, and not a lot of it has enough depth to be its own episode. Like I don’t think enough was presented in this season to make me think we needed this to be a two parter or take up two whole seasons. Would’ve been nice to just have more episodes for this season, so as to do more character building

  • Oct 24, 2022
    Mr Milchick

    He does. His rider is Hugh Hammer, a blacksmith on Dragonstone who’s a Targaryen b\*\*\*\*\*\*. Will most likely be introduced next season.

    Thank you

  • Oct 24, 2022
    Charlie Campbell

    Not watching this beta garbage

    I was but...nah.

    GOT first 3 seasons >>>

    You’re very cool and alpha for going against the grain

    Keep it up

  • Oct 24, 2022
    3 replies

    Idk if the book makes the secondary characters and pre-time skip characters feel as ancillary as they are in the show, but you would like to have seen more Harwin, more Vaemond, more of a lot of characters independent of whatever Targaryen they were interacting with

    That’s the one thing that GoT did perfectly, give everyone their own relevancy outside of the war of the 5 kings. And if the book doesn’t have those moments for those characters, that’s fine too

    Edit: I also recognize this is all a story telling of Targaryen history, and not a story that’s depicting a whole world, like Ice and Fire. I’m sure that’s a massive perspective in who’s story is being told

  • Oct 24, 2022
    1 reply

    I know this is a show about Dragons, but the biggest burn is Aemond roasting Luke and Jace at the dinner.

  • Oct 24, 2022
    2 replies

    Wait now people hate the show?

  • Oct 24, 2022
    1 reply

    This s*** was fire. The setup for next season could make for legendary television

  • Prez 💎
    Oct 24, 2022
    Prison Mike

    Wait now people hate the show?


    dont be tricked by the internet

    people adore this show and the finale

  • Oct 24, 2022
    1 reply

    rhea is crazy for sending luke to die

  • Oct 24, 2022

    felt more like a episode 9 tbh

  • Oct 24, 2022
    Prison Mike

    Wait now people hate the show?

    ignore them lol

  • Oct 24, 2022
    1 reply
    March Rigness

    Idk if the book makes the secondary characters and pre-time skip characters feel as ancillary as they are in the show, but you would like to have seen more Harwin, more Vaemond, more of a lot of characters independent of whatever Targaryen they were interacting with

    That’s the one thing that GoT did perfectly, give everyone their own relevancy outside of the war of the 5 kings. And if the book doesn’t have those moments for those characters, that’s fine too

    Edit: I also recognize this is all a story telling of Targaryen history, and not a story that’s depicting a whole world, like Ice and Fire. I’m sure that’s a massive perspective in who’s story is being told

    If anything they gave those characters even more to do. I don't think people realize how little there is of this story in the book. King Viserys for instance is barely a character. Almost everything they showed of him in HotD was new.

  • Oct 24, 2022
    March Rigness

    Idk if the book makes the secondary characters and pre-time skip characters feel as ancillary as they are in the show, but you would like to have seen more Harwin, more Vaemond, more of a lot of characters independent of whatever Targaryen they were interacting with

    That’s the one thing that GoT did perfectly, give everyone their own relevancy outside of the war of the 5 kings. And if the book doesn’t have those moments for those characters, that’s fine too

    Edit: I also recognize this is all a story telling of Targaryen history, and not a story that’s depicting a whole world, like Ice and Fire. I’m sure that’s a massive perspective in who’s story is being told

    I’ve got to imagine there’s not a ton going on right now in the rest of Westeros

    Where as in Game of Thrones, all the kingdoms fall into war, there’s a threat from the north, and Dany is building an army.

    The next three seasons now that the background is done and war is beginning there might be a larger scope.

  • Oct 24, 2022

    Vhagar literally chomped that little ass dragon that was it. F***ing hell.

  • Prez 💎
    Oct 24, 2022
    1 reply

    that dragon was big as f***. feeding that thing must be a nightmare, i mean how many calories per day does that thing need to eat? they just giving it 3 cows a day or what