  • Oct 25, 2022

    Arrax didn’t have the advantage in the storm. He had trouble flying in the winds, Vhagar powers right through that s***.

    thought it was clever luke took arrax into the cliffs where Vhagar lacked the mobility to fly through it, I thought he was about to get away

  • Oct 25, 2022
    2 replies

    Bro why are they trying to paint every single male character as bad and the female as good? Even in their interviews.

  • Oct 25, 2022

    I want shows set in the current timeline. Hopefully Snow is fire and the Night King is not really dead.

  • Oct 25, 2022
    1 reply
  • Oct 25, 2022

    Bro why are they trying to paint every single male character as bad and the female as good? Even in their interviews.

    Lord Strong the Hand and his one son seemed like good dudes rip too bad the other some is evil incarnate

    Also pretty clear Rhaenyra threw her father's trust is the trash having a bunch of b******s and splitting the realm even further. The Queen has had been pretty brutal as well.

  • Oct 25, 2022

    In the books the dragon head washed up 3 days later so I guess he found out and told her while awaiting her son to return

    Wow that's more descriptive and crazy. Get the need to rush it but wonder if we still see the floating head next season

  • Oct 25, 2022
    1 reply

    Book readers help me out. (Don't open if you don't want to be spoiled)

    So if Rhaenyra sent spies to kill aemond and aegon why didn't she just kill em all

  • Oct 25, 2022
    2 replies

    Bro why are they trying to paint every single male character as bad and the female as good? Even in their interviews.

    Bro what? Did we watch the same show? The two lead women in the show aren't exactly what i'd call likable.

    Even Rhaenys is someone who has zero qualms about murdering innocent civilians with her dragon.

  • Mr Papi Nigga Dave

    Book readers help me out. (Don't open if you don't want to be spoiled)

    So if Rhaenyra sent spies to kill aemond and aegon why didn't she just kill em all

    in the book it was said that it was difficult to reach aegon (kingsguard and his chambers) and aemond would be difficult to assassinate as they were low level thugs who were hired for the job.

  • Oct 25, 2022
    1 reply

    Arrax didn’t have the advantage in the storm. He had trouble flying in the winds, Vhagar powers right through that s***.

    I meant better odds of survival in the narrow spaces. But neither dragon was listening anyway so

  • Oct 25, 2022

    I meant better odds of survival in the narrow spaces. But neither dragon was listening anyway so

    Baby dragon thought they were playing🥺

  • Oct 25, 2022
    Mr Motion

    Luke had huge balls cause if I saw that s***, I wouldve left. My pride not that big

  • Oct 25, 2022
    2 replies

    Bro what? Did we watch the same show? The two lead women in the show aren't exactly what i'd call likable.

    Even Rhaenys is someone who has zero qualms about murdering innocent civilians with her dragon.

    Dudes get so sucked into the “they’re making men weak” narrative they start trying to see it everywhere

    Same with the race s***

  • Oct 25, 2022

    I’m just glad to be in Westeros again and not feeling like the disappointment of GOT is looming over.

    It was an enjoyable season, slow or not with some writing inconsistencies, it was still a great season

  • Oct 25, 2022

    Bro what? Did we watch the same show? The two lead women in the show aren't exactly what i'd call likable.

    Even Rhaenys is someone who has zero qualms about murdering innocent civilians with her dragon.

    fr plus there’s plenty genuinely heroic and selfless men in the story.

    ser erryk literally put his life on the line to let rhaenys escape king’s landing, and then on top of that stole the crown of viserys just to give it to rhaenyra. he has no ulterior motive beyond wanting the best for the realm (aka not aegon) and he wants nothing in return for his service. there’s not a single female character who is this altruistically good.

    there’s also just way more male characters of importance in general, so of course some of them (and especially the ones who are playing the game of thrones) will be terrible people.

  • Oct 25, 2022

    That last dinner scene with Viserys still is the happiest probably most beautiful scene I’ve ever seen in GOT

    Watching it in bed next to my gf and she’s crying, I’m trying not to lmao. Such a fond memory for me.

    Just hits different when you got old parents that are slowly deteriorating.

  • Oct 25, 2022
    AK Fresh

    Dudes get so sucked into the “they’re making men weak” narrative they start trying to see it everywhere

    Same with the race s***

  • Oct 25, 2022

    Balerion is a big mfer

    Caraxes is bigger than Drogon tho

  • Oct 25, 2022

    The fact that we probably won’t get a flashback of Balerion or ever see him on screen makes me sad

  • Oct 26, 2022

    Reddit is hype about Cregan Stark so now I am too

  • Oct 26, 2022
    1 reply
    AK Fresh

    Dudes get so sucked into the “they’re making men weak” narrative they start trying to see it everywhere

    Same with the race s***

    Speak on it!

  • Oct 26, 2022

    And even IF Viserys was speaking on aegon to he king,, Alicent could've used her brain to think "damn maybe I shouldn't start a war with this info for the good of all" because she wants aegon there. Because she's not perfect and likable either. Lol

  • Oct 26, 2022
    1 reply

    Speak on it!

    Talking about you a little 😉

  • Oct 26, 2022

    Drogon such a good boy